Your morning Briefing: MPs agree to extent Brexit deadline
Your 2-minute digest of today’s top stories and must-reads.
Hello readers. MPs have voted to ask the EU to extend the Brexit deadline, and Beto O’Rourke ignites the Democrats.
‘Extend deadline’
Theresa May will ask the EU to extend the Brexit deadline after MPs voted overwhelmingly for an extension to Article 50.
Wages warning
Former ACTU secretary Bill Kelty has cautioned that Labor’s proposed living wage could risk a blowout and a “cost spike” for the economy.
Beto ignites Democrats
No big rally or thumping speech: Beto O’Rourke enters the Democrat presidential race in a typically unorthodox way.
Greens’ $20m man
With the exit of genuine rich-listers, Turnbull, Rudd, Laundy, Julian Burnside could reorder our political rich list, writes Margin Call. And although he has amassed a $20m property portolio, the Greens candidate now wants to end tax breaks for future investors.
Own goal
Facebook has admitted a massive own goal was the cause of yesterday’s outage which for some users is not over.
Day game
Australian football tradition has won out over progression with the AFL grand final remaining a day game. And the Storm squashed the Broncos revolution as this season’s NFL action got underway.
Kudelka’s view