Your afternoon Briefing: PNG offers to resettle Manus Island asylum-seekers
PNG offers to resettle Manus Island asylum-seekers and Pell faces civil action after appeal decision.
The Morrison government has welcomed PNG’s offer to take the remaining Manus Island asylum-seekers, and an internet community of patriotic young Chinese around the world join the online frontline against Hong Kong protesters.
PNG offers to resettle Manus Island asylum-seekers
The Morrison government has welcomed Papua New Guinea’s decision to offer the remaining asylum-seekers seekers on Manus Island the opportunity to resettle in the island’s capital of Port Moresby.
China backs anti-HK student Australian protesters
China says it’s “totally understandable” pro-Beijing Chinese citizens, including those in Australia, marched to counter the movement. The pro-Beijing sentiment is fuelled by an online community of young Chinese that began as a group set up to ridicule a Chinese soccer player.
Cardinal Pell faces civil action after appeal decision
George Pell is likely to face civil court action regardless of whether he wins tomorrow’s appeal.
Strewth: Jacinda Ardern sends fluffy mascot
Care of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, a fluffy foe has appeared on Scott Morrison’s Parliament House desk. Ardern also today addressed Alan Jones’ comments about her, saying, “I understand [Jones] used to be closely linked to the Wallabies, so let’s just say that revenge is best served through a Bledisloe Cup.”