
Nova Peris faces tough preselection fight

LABOR senator Nova Peris looks set to face a bitter preselection battle ahead of the next federal election.

LABOR senator Nova Peris looks set to face a bitter preselection battle ahead of the next federal election, amid continuing party unrest about her “captain’s pick” by then prime minister Julia Gillard last year.

“You reap what you sow,” was how one Northern Territory Labor source responded to revelations about Senator Peris’s private life yesterday and claims she was involved in maladministration.

Senator Peris was chosen by Ms Gillard over the heads of the faithful; she was not a Labor member at the time. The move upset local ALP figures, particularly those with political ambitions.

Labor sources said there was a widespread view Senator Peris should face a robust preselection contest next time to earn the seat or else give someone else a go. They named at least two possible candidates.

Cathryn Tilmouth, a former adviser to Martin Ferguson, works in NT Labor Opposition Leader Delia Lawrie’s office. Ms Tilmouth is the daughter of Aboriginal former Central Land Council director Tracker Tilmouth.

“I would consider all options, but nothing has been decided,” she said. “I have no political ambitions at this time.”

Ms Tilmouth forcefully denied prior knowledge of or involvement with the News Corp reports.

Rowan Foley, an Alice Springs-based former Labor candidate and campaign adviser to the member for Lingiari, Warren Snowdon, declined to comment.

Both the Territory’s federal seats are seen as up for grabs. Mr Snowdon is expected to retire and the Coalition member for the Darwin seat of Solomon, Natasha Griggs, sits on a narrow margin.

Poor performance by the Country Liberal NT government and dissatisfaction with the Abbott government has given the Labor Party high hopes for Territory and federal elections, both due in 2016.

Soon after being chosen by Ms Gillard, Senator Peris was subject to a whispering campaign and other allegations. No serious wrongdoing has been proved.

She is understood to have formed a view on who is behind the latest leaks, said to involve emails from a commonwealth account. The Australian has learnt she is considering making this information public.

While she may not have won over all Labor colleagues, she has support in the bush. She declined to be interviewed yesterday.

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