
Millions ready to back Recognise campaign for constitutional change

A STRONG majority of Australians are now ready to vote yes to recognise indigenous Australians in the Constitution.

A STRONG majority of Australians are now ready to vote — and to vote yes — to recognise ­indigenous Australians in the Constitution.

Ahead of the first joint appearance on recognition by Tony ­Abbott and Bill Shorten tonight, new research finds Australians are ready in their millions to support it.

The snapshot by Polity Research, commissioned by the Recognise campaign, finds 63 per cent of voters now say they are ready to vote in a referendum.

And three in four of those who are ready say they would vote yes.

“This should be a strong spur to action for the nation’s political leaders,” said Recognise joint campaign director Tanya Hosch. “We can’t afford to lose the momentum that has been so hard won. It’s time to get on with it.”

Ms Hosch also reminded political leaders of their responsibility to work in close partnership to ­deliver a successful referendum.

The hopes of millions of Australians rested on their ability to lead together on this, she said.

“We have come too far, and the stakes are too high, for any of us not to do what our country needs of us in this hour,” she said.

“Every one of us — but especially the ­bipartisan political leadership of the country — has a responsibility to bring the spirit of co-operation needed for success.”

The Opposition Leader this week called for consensus on the content of a referendum and its timing, saying the Prime Minister could not work “behind closed doors” on the matter.

Monarchist groups, including Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy and the Australian Monarchist League, have also this week called for widespread community consultation about a referendum.

In October, Mr Abbott said it was important set a date to “crystallise” the debate.

“I am determined that we will have this referendum, (and) that we will soon set a date,” Mr Abbott said.

The Prime Minister is understood to believe the referendum should take place in 2017.

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