
Child abuse inquiry can be a time of healing: Tony Abbott

TONY Abbott has declared a national royal commission into child sexual abuse will be a "step towards healing" for Australia.

TONY Abbott has declared a national royal commission into child sexual abuse will be a "step towards healing" for Australia.

The Opposition leader said the Coalition supported Julia Gillard's announcement of a wide-ranging inquiry into child abuse in churches, institutions and care homes.

“The important thing is thousands - tens of thousands of people - who have not been as well cared for as they should have been, who have been badly let down by people in authority over the years, will feel that their heartfelt cries for justice will be heard,” Mr Abbott said in Brisbane.

“This can be a time of healing for our country and I very much support what is being done.”

Mr Abbott said the terms of reference were a matter for the government but the opposition supported the broad-ranging nature of the proposed inquiry.

“This is a step towards healing,” Mr Abbott said.

“We support it; we encourage it; we want it to work well.

“We want it to look at child abuse, the evil of child sexual abuse wherever it has taken place.”

Mr Abbott, a devoted Catholic, said current leadership in the church was determined to “stamp out this evil” and determine any previous systemic failures.


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