
Police stripped of role in assessing age of people-smugglers

AUSTRALIAN Federal Police will be stripped of their role in judging the age of Indonesian crew accused of people-smuggling

AUSTRALIAN Federal Police will be stripped of their role in judging the age of Indonesian crew accused of people smuggling, as the Gillard government moves to avoid detaining children in adult jails.

Responding to Indonesian government concerns about the number of crew in jails despite claiming to be children, Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor said age assessment would no longer be an AFP responsibility. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship would instead assess the age of Indonesian crew.

Those deemed to be children would be returned home as quickly as possible, without facing smuggling charges.

The new assessment process is yet to be finalised but it will not apply to crew claiming to be children already in jail facing smuggling charges. It is unclear whether crew deemed to be adults, but who still claim they are minors, will be returned home or prosecuted.

The procedures follow talks this week between Mr O'Connor and Indonesian officials. The Indonesia Institute in Western Australia estimates 50 Indonesians are being held in adult jails on people-smuggling charges.

The AFP used a contentious wrist X-ray to assess age.

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