
Gonski review gets tick of approval from the OECD

PLANS to reform the school funding system based on the Gonski review have received the endorsement of the OECD.

PLANS to reform the school funding system based on the Gonski review have received the endorsement of the OECD group of industrialised nations, with the organisation's deputy director for education, Andreas Schleicher, praising government moves to fund schools based on the challenges they face.

Speaking to The Australian ahead of the release of the OECD's latest report on the world's education systems, Dr Schleicher said targeting funding to students with the greatest need was pursued by many of the world's high-performing education systems.

But he said Australia should ensure the money was invested in measures proven to lead to school improvement.

"The spending choices, I think, warrant some reflection," he said.

"There have been big increases in funding in Australia over past decades, but it has not necessarily led to better outcomes.

"Our evidence shows if you have to make a choice between the better teacher and a smaller class, the better teacher is by far more effective, but Australia has gone in the other direction, putting a fair amount of resources into class-size reduction. That's an expensive approach and not necessarily among the most effective.

"Money that doesn't lead to better teaching doesn't lead to improved outcomes."

Dr Schleicher said investing in teachers and offering teachers a better career structure were areas in which Australia could improve, as well as in early-childhood education, where Australia remains one of the lowest spenders.

However, Dr Schleicher said the Australian education system was among the world's best in overcoming social disadvantage, with high rates of children from disadvantaged backgrounds having a tertiary education.

But the organisation's report says socioeconomic status and parents' education background remain strongly linked to a student's performance, and that "intergenerational transmission of disadvantage" persists.

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