
Review pushes for $5bn rise in school funding

REFORMS to the school funding system will focus on lifting the performance of disadvantaged and low-achieving students.

REFORMS to the school funding system will focus on lifting the performance of disadvantaged and low-achieving students, with an independent review expected to recommend increased funding for all schools.

The report of the independent review chaired by businessman David Gonski, to be released today, is expected to recommend governments increase school funding by $5 billion.

The report is believed to say the bulk of the new money, about 75 per cent, or $3.8bn, should go to public schools in recognition that they have a greater proportion of students and a larger concentration of disadvantaged students, including those from low-income families, indigenous students and those with disabilities.

About two-thirds of students attend government schools nationwide, with 20 per cent attending Catholic schools and 14 per cent independent schools.

As reported in The Australian last week, the Gonski review is expected to recommend the streamlining of government funds for schools, with a baseline payment for all students whether in public or private schools.

On top of the baseline payment, called a school resource standard, schools would receive top-up funds based on their students' needs and characteristics.

At present, government, Catholic and independent schools are funded differently by federal, state and territory governments. The report is believed to recommend that the level of funding be set by an independent authority.

Julia Gillard and School Education Minister Peter Garrett will launch public consultation on the proposed new funding model this week. The critical part in that process will be in conscripting state and territory governments to the cause for changing their systems for funding schools.

Mr Garrett implied the federal government would not be providing the full $5bn, saying: "There are always calls for additional funding for education. Our commitment to bring the budget back to surplus is absolute."

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