Aerial repairs under scrutiny
COMMUNICATIONS Minister Stephen Conroy faced a grilling yesterday over whether pensioners who rented were being treated fairly.
COMMUNICATIONS Minister Stephen Conroy faced a grilling yesterday over whether pensioners who rented their homes were being treated fairly in the free set-top box scheme.
Concerns have been raised for pensioners who rent homes because the government will not pay for external aerial repairs under its $308 million Household Assistance Scheme.
Senator Conroy and Digital Switchover Taskforce head Nerida O'Loughlin appeared before a Senate estimates hearing and reiterated that it was the responsibility of the landlord, not the government, to repair an aerial for the digital television switchover.
Eligible pensioners get a free set-top box but the government will pay for external aerial repairs only for home-owners.
Victorian senator Judith Troeth said it "would be better to treat everyone equally".
Tenancy Union of Victoria CEO Mark O'Brien said he was "gobsmacked" to hear pensioners who were tenants were not eligible for external repairs.