
Scientist Ingrid Moeller lashes out at managers of Queensland DNA lab

A scientist’s epic spray at the ­managers of Queensland’s troubled DNA laboratory in a staff ‘harmony survey’ has been revealed at a royal commission-style inquiry.

Dr Ingrid Moeller at the commission of inquiry.
Dr Ingrid Moeller at the commission of inquiry.

A scientist’s epic spray at the ­managers of Queensland’s troubled DNA laboratory in a staff “harmony survey” has been revealed at a royal commission-style inquiry.

Ingrid Moeller was responding to a survey sent out in April this year, following months of revelations in The Australian’s podcast series Shandee’s Story of serious problems in the lab.

“I appreciate the thought behind this survey but with all due respect, if nothing meaningful comes from it then I feel it is another pointless exercise,” Dr Moeller wrote.

“We have participated in workshops galore, surveys galore, talked to EDs galore and still we have a dysfunctional workplace.

“The Managing Scientist (Cathie Allen), Team Leader (Justin Howes) and several HPSs (Health Practitioners) (Luke Ryan for one) aren’t held accountable for their actions so why would they change??!! For my own piece of mind and because of my responsibility to the community, I will touch on/raise what I consider to be the most concerning aspect of DNA Analysis and this revolves around the DNA results we produce for the community or rather DON’T produce!”

Dr Moeller went on to detail ­issues detecting sperm in sexual assault cases in around 2015. “It was proven our laboratory wasn’t detecting sperm when in fact sperm was present,” she wrote.

Since 2018, the lab had a process whereby samples with low amounts of DNA weren’t automatically reworked, she added.

“It was believed by senior ­managers, such as Justin Howes, that generally these samples wouldn’t give a meaningful DNA result (DNA insufficient for ­further processing-DIFP),” Dr Moeller wrote.

That was despite authors of the associated project pointing out that some of these samples could provide crucial results.

“It has been maintained by ­Justin and other managers such as Sharon Johnstone that Case Managers and the Police can request further processing of these samples if deemed necessary,” Dr Moeller wrote.

“However, DIFP results are validated by Luke Ryan and his team (Analytical Team). Consequently, the samples fall off the case management list never to be seen by a Case Manager, unless a statement is requested.

“The most crucial point here is a statement may not be requested if DNA results are not obtained.

“Further to this, in some instances where there has been a statement request, I have had to request numerous last minute reworks of DIFP samples prior to court dates. (Notably, the police have not ordered these reworks.) As a result, I have been able to obtain very important results which address the allegations of the case. Sometimes the results are totally new to the case.

“The repeating theme here is: Is it possible that we are releasing incorrect results? YES. “Is it possible that offenders aren’t being brought to justice? YES.

“Is it possible that the cessation of automatically reworking samples is a cost cutting and time saving exercise by Cathie Allen? YES.

“Have we done the wrong thing by the community who trust us? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!

“Are concerns raised repeatedly by staff? YES. Are staff ignored on the whole and some­times bullied in the process? YES.”

These were only two examples of extremely alarming process and management issues, she said.

“Apart from being negligent when it comes to obtaining DNA profiles, I believe the managers HP6 and above (particularly Cathie Allen) are bullies.

“DNA Analysis is problematic and dysfunctional in all regards.”

Ms Allen, Mr Howes and Mr Ryan have not yet given evidence at the inquiry.

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