Warning over mozzie virus
WEST Australian health authorities are warning people in mosquito-prone areas to take urgent action to cover up.
A SECOND death in two weeks from a deadly mosquito-borne virus has prompted health authorities to warn people in mosquito-prone areas to take urgent action to cover up.
West Australian health authorities confirmed yesterday that one person died this week and five others were seriously ill in hospital with the debilitating blood-borne Murray Valley encephalitis.
The WA death came just two weeks after South Australian authorities revealed a 27-year-old man from Riverland had died there from the disease.
The horror virus, which causes the brain to swell, can cause permanent brain damage and paralysis, and its presence has been detected over rapidly expanding areas in recent months.
WA government entomologist Sue Harrington said there was no vaccine or cure and it was crucial that people took precautions to cover up, use repellents and put netting over children's cribs.
In an unprecedented exposure, she said the virus had been detected across most of WA to the north and east of Perth and the extreme and unusual climate conditions in other states were also causing concern.
Ms Harrington refused to give details about the ages, gender or locations of those infected in WA but said they covered a wide cross-section and everyone was potentially at risk.
"We are appealing to parents to take particular care to protect their young children and infants from mosquito bites," she said.