George Pell case: I believe you, Daniel Andrews tells child sex abuse victims
Victoria’s Premier has responded to the High Court’s quashing of George Pell’s conviction by saying he believes ‘every single victim’.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has responded to the High Court’s unanimous quashing of Cardinal George Pell’s conviction by saying he believes “every single victim and survivor of child sex abuse”.
In a brief and carefully worded statement, Mr Andrews made it clear his sympathies did not lie with the 78-year-old man seven High Court judges found had been wrongfully imprisoned by Victoria for more than 400 days.
“I make no comment about today’s High Court decision,” Mr Andrews said. “But I have a message for every single victim and survivor of child sex abuse: I see you. I hear you. I believe you.”
Mr Andrews’ Health Minister, Jenny Mikakos, tweeted a similar view in the minutes following the verdict, saying: “I’m sending my solidarity and love to all victims of child abuse. Keep speaking up. I believe you.”
The approach contrasted sharply with that of former prime minister and close friend of Cardinal Pell Tony Abbott, who despite having visited the nation’s most senior Catholic in prison said he would not be commenting on the High Court’s decision.
“Look, that’s as it’s been and as it will be,” Mr Abbott said of his public support for Cardinal Pell, “Today is just a day to let the High Court judgment speak for itself.”
Broadcaster, former senator and campaigner for victims and survivors of child sex abuse, Derryn Hinch, said commentators “must be careful” in what they said about the verdict.
Mr Hinch has been convicted of contempt of court three times and jailed twice for publishing the names and criminal histories of sex offenders. “You can’t call him a pedophile, because he’s been acquitted,” Mr Hinch said.
“But by the same token, he’s not been found innocent.
“I understand the frustration of victims who say, ‘he was found guilty by a jury and yet now he’s walked free’, but in Pell’s case, he may have walked free from court today, but I believe his days in court are not over.”
Victoria’s Crime Prevention, Corrections, Youth Justice and Victim Support Minister Ben Carroll tweeted, saying he wanted to acknowledge “that today will be very painful for survivors of child sexual abuse”.
“I acknowledge their pain and pay tribute to their courage. The Victims of Crime Help Line is free and confidential and open 8AM to 11PM, seven days a week on 1800 819 817. #VictimsVoices.’’
Mr Carroll also on Tuesday announced the appointment of former commissioner of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Jennifer Coate, as the new chairwoman of the Andrews government’s Victims of Crime Consultative Committee.
Victorian upper-house MP Fiona Patten went further than Mr Andrews, noting her “great disappointment” at the High Court’s ruling and claiming justice had “not been served in this case”.
“Australians know the real truth about George Pell,” the Reason Party leader said in a statement. “No amount of holy water can wash the stain of child sexual abuse away from the Catholic Church. There have been other accusations against George Pell and they should be fully investigated.”
Fellow upper-house MP Stuart Grimley, from Mr Hinch’s Justice Party, said it was a “very sad day for abuse survivors across the country”. “I see this decision as another form of abuse our legal system is bestowing upon survivors of sexual abuse,” Mr Grimley said.