Coronavirus: Seasonal visas to be extended for farm workers to aid harvest
The visas of agricultural workers from overseas could be extended to avoid labour shortages caused by travel restrictions.
The visas of seasonal agricultural workers from overseas could be extended to avoid labour shortages caused by coronavirus travel restrictions.
The National Farmers Federation and the federal government are eager to prevent panic about food shortages, insisting the agricultural sector is strong and more than capable of meeting demand.
The NFF has been discussing possible measures with Agriculture Minister David Littleproud to ensure sufficient workers can be found for upcoming harvests and other farm work.
Many farmers rely largely on backpackers and workers on seasonal or other visas from Asia and the Pacific to bring in their crops, some of which are due soon.
“We are coming into the winter fruit season, and citrus crops such as navel oranges, along with apples and pears, will be harvested and winter vegetables such as cabbages and cauliflower,” NFF chief executive Tony Mahar said.
According to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, more than 12,000 agricultural workers have entered Australia this financial year, but overseas travel restrictions have raised concerns about whether enough will make it here in time.
As well, the federal government’s imposition of a two-week self-isolation period on all foreign arrivals creates challenges.
Mr Mahar said the NFF had discussed with Mr Littleproud possible visa extensions for seasonal agricultural workers in the country, and allowing them to move from one employer to another, which is in some cases not permitted.
Mr Littleproud said he was “aware of industry’s concerns about how the government’s quarantine and visa arrangements for international arrivals will work and the impact this will have on the labour supply for the horticulture industry in particular”.
“The federal government will be agile to maintain supply chain continuity through simple adjustments to visas to secure labour by working with the Immigration Minister and industry,” he said.
Mr Mahar said while farm inputs sourced from overseas such as chemicals and fertilisers were in increased demand as a result of good rains, and any threat to shipping from the coronavirus would be problematic, there was none at present.
“There is no evidence of an immediate threat to food security. Farmers are continuing to go about their business … We are very resilient,” he said. Mr Mahar said the industry was conscious of keeping workers safe.