
Kathleen Folbigg: notorious mum begs minister for mercy

Kathleen Folbigg, has handwritten a four-page letter to the NSW Attorney-General begging him to ‘soften his heart’ and grant her a petition for pardon.

Kathleen Folbigg. Picture: AAP
Kathleen Folbigg. Picture: AAP

Australia’s most notorious female prisoner, Kathleen Folbigg, has handwritten a four-page letter to NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman begging him to “soften your heart” and grant her a ­petition for pardon.

Folbigg was convicted in 2003 for the murder of three of her children, Patrick, Sarah and Laura, and the manslaughter of her first-born, Caleb. She is now in her 18th year behind bars.

Her convictions were strongly challenged in a petition lodged with NSW Governor Margaret Beazley AC QC in March, which called for her pardon and immediate release.

The petition was signed by 90 eminent scientists, medical experts and science advocates, who included two Nobel laureates, and two former chief scientists.

A subsequent letter sent to the Governor supporting the petition was signed by 66 members of the Royal Society of NSW.

The petition relied on fresh, peer-reviewed scientific evidence published in the British-based cardiac journal Europace last Nov­ember suggesting the deaths of Folbigg’s two daughters, Sarah and Laura, were “likely” caused by a genetic mutation, CALM2 G114R, and that the deaths of her two boys, Caleb and Patrick, may have been caused by a different genetic mutation.

Folbigg’s letter pays tribute to the scientists. “To them, this isn’t only about helping Kathleen Folbigg,” she writes, “but rather about a need for scientific proof to be listened to, respected and heeded. I pay homage to all scientists involved. They have removed the stigma of being perceived as an evil monster, removed the anxiety and fear that I have suffered every day for over 30-odd years.”

“Following the petition for a pardon, my day-to-day existence has changed. I now receive massive support from so many people.

“For over 30 (years) I have grieved the loss of my children. As it shall be for forever more. As you are aware, I have ALWAYS PROTESTED MY INNOCENCE.”

Her letter reveals her bitter regret at her decision not to give evidence in person at her trial.

“In 2003,” she writes, “I followed advice and decided to stay silent throughout my trial.

“I suffer every day over doubting that decision. I continue to pay a heavy price …”

“(My supporters) have known me my whole life, not just a decade of it, and have witnessed the love and care for my children. Also my devastating grief.

“Please soften your heart.”

Six months after Folbigg’s petition was lodged, it is still unclear when Mr Speakman will decide on recommending a pardon.

It can now be revealed Mr Speakman has rebuffed an offer from leading scientists to help him and his colleagues assess the complex science that underlies the petition.

John Shine, president of the Australian Academy of Science, wrote to Mr Speakman in April offering to help set up an “informal roundtable with you and your staff” to help those advising the Governor and the Attorney-General understand the science underlying the petition.

“The petitioners … appreciate that scientific evidence is complex and fast-evolving,” his letter said. “It is in this spirit that the Australian Academy of Science wishes to offer you an opportunity to be briefed by scientists with expertise in genetics and statistics, some of whom are experts in CALM pathology and/or have been involved in the relevant studies.

“I am confident that gaining a comprehensive understanding of the scientific information available today would assist your consideration of this matter.”

Mr Speakman declined the offer, telling Professor Shine: “I do not propose to convene private consultations with individuals or organisations in relation to further information advanced in support of Ms Folbigg’s petition.

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