

Gay churchman lodges anti-discrimination complaint

Man says he was forced to give up his role at an Anglican Church after he was allegedly told to ‘separate’ from his husband.

Peter Sanders playing piano at his home in Armidale, with his husband Peter Grace watching on. Picture: Simon Scott
Peter Sanders playing piano at his home in Armidale, with his husband Peter Grace watching on. Picture: Simon Scott

A gay man who says he was forced to give up his role at an Anglican Church in Northern NSW has taken legal action after he was ­allegedly told to “separate” from his husband and “be celibate” to keep his position in the church.

Former St Mary’s music director Peter Sanders lodged a complaint with the Anti-Discrim­ination Board last week, calling on the Dean of the Armidale Diocese to apologise for discriminating against him and his husband, Peter Grace, who also held a leadership role at the church.

Mr Sanders claims Reverend Christopher Brennan unlawfully terminated his job as music director and church organist on the grounds of his homosexuality and living in a same-sex marriage.

Even though he received $80 per week for his work, the church claims Mr Sanders was never formally employed and received only honorariums for his services.

In a series of documents submitted to the Anti-Discrimination Board, a former member of St Mary’s congregation has provided explosive testimony of the events leading up to the couple’s departure from the church.

Janice Clark, who was one of five members the church’s management committee, alleges Reverend Brennan instructed the committee in April 2021 to tell the couple they were living in an “un-Biblical manner” and they should “end their marriage, be celibate and just live as friends”.

According to Ms Clark’s submission, Reverend Brennan did not want the couple to leave the congregation, but insisted they could not return to their positions unless they ended their marriage.

“I regret I did not act sooner to prevent Peter (Sanders) becoming such an integral part of St Mary’s worship … People who do not live Biblically cannot have leadership roles in congregations … My neck is on the block because I could be fired for allowing this to happen,” the Dean is alleged to have told the committee.

When asked what would happen if they did not convey his message to the couple, the Dean is alleged to have said “I will be forced to bring in the jackboots” – referring to the Bishop of Armidale, Rod Chiswell.

During the same meeting, Ms Clark said one of the other committee members challenged Reverend Brennan, saying she had a gay nephew who had “come out” and was “totally accepted” by her family.

“He’s also an un-Biblical person,” the Dean allegedly replied, causing the woman to “burst into tears”.

In May, Ms Clark said she conveyed Reverend Brennan’s message to Mr Sanders and Mr Grace. She quit the committee three weeks later and has since left the congregation.

In response to the message, Mr Sanders and Mr Grace said they would not sacrifice their marriage for their roles at the church and would leave the congregation.

Bishop Chiswell and Reverend Brennan met with the couple at their home to discuss their roles at St Mary’s. In Mr Sanders’ statement he recounts the conversation between himself, Mr Grace and the two senior clergymen, writing: “The Bishop said that same-sex marriages were un-­Biblicaland that we were going to Hell.”

Barrister Robert Angyal SC, who is representing Mr Sanders, said it was hard to think of a “clearer case of discrimination”.

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