Former ABC journalist Helene Chung says broadcaster allows too many reporters to express their opinion
Helene Chung, 78, was the first non-white reporter on Australian TV. The former journo opens up about her experience with racism at the ABC | WATCH
The first non-white reporter to grace Australian television screens in the 1970s has weighed into the Stan Grant controversy, saying she believed too many ABC reporters were allowed to express their opinion rather than present news, and also claimed she experienced racism at the national broadcaster.
Helene Chung, who made her name on ABC current affair program This Day Tonight, said journalists such as Grant airing personal views invited backlash like the derogatory comments the Q&A presenter received in relation to his coverage of King Charles III’s coronation.
“One thing that has happened to the ABC that I do not like, and I am still completely, constantly amazed by, is the fact that reporters now give their own opinions,” Ms Chung told The Australian.
“And nowadays, you know exactly where everyone stands at the ABC, and that should not be.
“And I think that is partly the change in the ABC’s policy, from impartiality to partiality, or allowing reporters to show their partiality is part of the problem.
“And that has led to a public backlash, and mind you, the public backlash of this sort of scale was not possible before (when) we did not have social media.”
Ms Chung’s comments came as the ABC’s ombudsman found the public broadcaster’s coverage of the King’s coronation earlier this month was “jarring and distracting for some of the audience” but did not breach impartiality standards.
The ruling came on the same day a 41-year-old NSW man was charged for allegedly making threats against Grantafter the coronation coverage.
Ms Chung described Grant as an “outstanding” journalist” who was put in a difficult position by his employer.
“But he is just a person of admirable skills, qualities, education and so on. And very, very capable. So he was, in this instance, put in a difficult position.”
Ms Chung said if the ABC made the decision for Grant to be on the coronation panel, the national broadcaster must be responsible.
Ms Chung, who worked at the ABC from 1968 to 1997, said the journalistic rules she had to follow as a reporter seemed to be long gone. “The first rule was ‘do not make yourself the story’, (then) never use the word ‘I’.
“I know if you apply that to journalists on the ABC today, no one would be working at the ABC.”
Ms Chung said while she believed the ABC is not institutionally racist, there were racist individuals at the outlet during her employment.
Following Grant’s decision to take indefinite leave, Ms Chung recalled an incident in 1978 where she said she experienced racism from her seniors at the ABC.
As This Day Tonight was nearing its end, clearing the way for a new national current affairs program, the Australian journalist said she was called to the office of the then ABC current affairs boss. “I just went in there curious and I came out stunned,” she said.
“Because (the ABC manager) quite suddenly said that I should be off television, I was unsuited to television, because of my Asian appearance. And he specifically said ‘and you should avoid wearing makeup because it accentuates your Asian eyes’.”
She said the experience reinforced ideas she held about her Chinese background growing up in Hobart where there fewer than a hundred Chinese people. “Being Chinese was something disgraceful because we were called names, and there were very few of us.
“I always called myself an Australian-born Chinese. Not until I went to China and found in no way I was Chinese, then I became Australian.
“But as a child, I accepted I was different and would never fit in. And so this thing was confirmation of that, coming from (the ABC manager).”
Ms Chung did not inform her colleagues but was urged by her partner, John Martin, to contact the Australian Journalists’ Association.
She said the three managers aware of the incident never offered her an apology.
In 1979, however, the then ABC general manager acknowledged the journalist had “cause to be concerned” by the comments, which did not adhere to policy.
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