Bullying epidemic infects state’s schools
Cyber-bullying skyrockets in the last decade as the Queensland government vows to develop an ‘anti-bullying plan’.
Cyber-bullying skyrockets in the last decade as the Queensland government vows to develop an ‘anti-bullying plan’.
Anthony Albanese says his changes to the activity test for childcare will only cost $430m, but modelling by independent economic bodies expects it will be much more.
A childcare giant headed by a former Education Department mandarin will be the first to gift staff a $100 a week pay rise in time for Christmas.
The elite University of Sydney has apologised for nine years of wage theft from almost 15,000 staff, as the Fair Work Ombudsman ordered it to repay $23m.
The Prime Minister let rip, splurging $3bn on childcare and early education, in a dress rehearsal for next year’s federal election campaign.
As the federal government plots a new way to cut international student visas, S&P Global has flagged issues with universities’ strong credit ratings. See which universities are hardest hit.
Community pressure is keeping geographically irrelevant languagues on life-support.
A scientist born in rural China who became one of Australia’s most eminent chemical scientists has been appointed the next vice-chancellor of the University of Wollongong.
Ombudsman Anna Booth revealed systemic problems with wage theft in almost all universities, calling on them to ‘lift their game’ in complying with workplace laws.
The introduction of a $10-a-day flat-fee model for childcare risks repeating the mistakes made in aged care, a milestone report has found.
The University of Melbourne has apologised to 25,000 staff for underpayments spanning a decade, and been hit with a $600,000 fine.
A review of 10-year-old legal advice on gender-diverse participation in competitive school sport could result in trans students being excluded based on ‘risk of injury’.
Noel Pearson has blamed the ‘appalling’ teachers’ union for Australia’s falling literacy standards, and blasted it for blocking reforms to help First Nations children read and write.
The Albanese government is preparing to replace a controversial ministerial direction, as providers warn the ‘confused and mismanaged’ policy approach is damaging the sector.
Australian students have performed ‘well behind the world’s smartest countries’ in global maths and science testing.
As the teacher union demands more cash to lift student results in NAPLAN literacy and numeracy tests, Indigenous leader Noel Pearson has other ideas.
An old-school teaching method known as explicit instruction has lifted student performance in this year’s NAPLAN tests of literacy and numeracy | SEE THE LIST of schools making a difference
Flagging the possibility of a levy on universities to fund the ombudsman service, Sarah Bendall warns her 65-strong staff would have the powers of a royal commission to compel universities to answer questions.
The Albanese government’s ‘dunderheaded’ approach to slashing international student numbers had cost jobs and harmed businesses, says Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia chief executive Troy Williams.
With the power to probe assault and rape allegations without involving police, Australia’s first National Student Ombudsman has outlined her immediate priorities.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/education/page/3