From locked-up to looking up…
FOR the longest, most crucial stretch of Nahdia Noter’s life, role models failed her.
FOR the longest, most crucial stretch of Nahdia Noter’s life, role models failed her.
WHEN Roberta Kalinic was growing up on Managoora station on the Gulf of Carpentaria, 760km east of Darwin, education was a rare thing.
THE Baillieu government is proceeding with legal action to prevent Victorian teachers from going on strike next week.
EDUCATION Minister Peter Garrett has warned the states they could face funding cuts if they don’t contribute to the Gonski reforms.
SCHOOLS face losing money if state and territory governments refuse to adopt the federal government’s education reforms.
ABORIGINAL attendance at scores of schools in NSW is nearly as poor as in remote Northern Territory communities.
A “CIVIL war” over funding is kneecapping tertiary education strategy, according to independent MP Rob Oakeshott.
NICOLA Roxon’s draft will deny today’s children a right to express an opinion.
FEDERAL meddling in education is a thinly disguised power grab by Canberra.
JANE Lomax-Smith got an Australia Day award, but the government has rejected her report into funding of teaching in universities.
LABOR has handed millions of dollars to voters in marginal seats in Queensland and Sydney under the Schoolkids Bonus Scheme.
WA students will be the first in the nation to have to meet minimum numeracy and literacy requirements before they can graduate from high school.
HECS architect Bruce Chapman has cautioned against major changes to the interest-free student loans scheme.
FOR Katie Stiles, a 22-year-old university student, HECS debt is a “necessary burden”.
THE amount of student debt that will never be repaid to government has ballooned by close to $1 billion in the past 12 months, to $6.2bn.
AT 17, Arthur Currie is a promising athlete, popular among his peers and looks forward to graduating from high school.
THE federal government’s open chequebook policy to fund uni places for every would-be student should find financial relief.
THE biggest boarding school for indigenous students in the Northern Territory is considering closing its boarding house this year.
GENERATIONONE boss Warren Mundine wants to roll out a school-based employment program nationally
ALL students from age 10 will be taught business and economics subjects for the first time under the proposed national curriculum.
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