ALP can’t buy pass mark in schools test
A cash injection is no substitute for vital reforms in education.
A cash injection is no substitute for vital reforms in education.
TENSIONS are mounting in the non-government sector over the Gonski plans after NSW independent schools accepted extra funding.
GILLARD Labor refuses to realise that competition and scholarships hold the key to better standards.
WHEN Nathaniel Train arrived at Innisfail East State School two years ago, he had a tough message to deliver to teachers and parents.
HEALTH Minister Tanya Plibersek has shelved a proposal for a new regional-based medical school.
GOVERNMENT can set policy but it needs to work with business on implementation.
IT was a week marked by racist comments from surprising sources, prompting public handwringing about how far we still had to go.
FOR schools uncertain about the level of funding they will receive from government next year, the question is not how much they will get.
THE ACT has joined NSW in giving Julia Gillard a victory by adopting her Gonski school reforms, but the PM’s still struggling to win over other states.
IT’S a hard sell for Gillard and Garrett but they persevere.
VICTORIA has accused the commonwealth of running a “sham”, “puerile” and farcical process over its Gonski agenda.
JULIA Gillard has given personal assurances to the Catholic Church that its education system’s current share of federal funding will be maintained.
A GOOD start would be for both parties to provide funding figures for each school.
ADDING another level of bureaucracy at national level is not what our students need.
NINE years ago, a Jewish girl was walking home from school in Sydney when a busload of students began shouting racist slurs.
THE childhood teachers union has written to Julia Gillard asking her to axe a decision by School Education Minister Peter Garrett.
THE education system will have to start taking our near neighbours seriously.
THE non-government school sector has raised several key complaints with Labor over its proposed overhaul of school funding.
THE government admits compliance costs are too high.
PROPOSALS to enshrine wide-ranging formulas in law for the Gonski education reform is hardening opposition to Labor’s plan.
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