Education propelled by self-interest
KIM Carr’s reference to quality has been misinterpreted by those keen to limit access.
KIM Carr’s reference to quality has been misinterpreted by those keen to limit access.
TASMANIA has become the fourth jurisdiction to sign up to the federal government’s better schools plan.
KEVIN Rudd is still trying to settle the concerns of parents of children at non-government schools over the Gonski funding changes.
WAYNE Swan’s proposed $2000 cap on self-education expenses is a “double dose of dumbness”, a tax on learning that should be abandoned.
GOVERNMENT spending on early childhood education outweighs the good it does.
SCHOOL pupils in Australia spend more time in the classroom under compulsory instruction than in any other country in the OECD.
ROB Oakeshott has rejected suggestions budget blowouts are behind the government’s rethink on a demand-driven university system.
CATHOLIC education administrators say Labor’s plan to have the Gonski funding reforms ready in time for next year is unrealistic.
KEVIN Rudd has left open the possibility of substantially changing the style and timetable for the Gonski education funding changes.
THE Catholic education sector believes Kevin Rudd can address its problems with Labor’s school funding reforms in time for the coming school year.
CANDIDATE for Fremantle, Teresa Van Lieshout, has been disendorsed for issuing statements contrary to Palmer United Party policy.
AUSTRALIA’S premier research university yesterday was forced to announce a 10 per cent cut to its workforce.
INDEPENDENT schools have cautiously welcomed the extension of the deadline for states to sign up to the education reforms.
THE ALP cites education as one of its strongest and most successful policy areas. The reality proves otherwise.
KEVIN Rudd will re-sell Labor’s $14.5 billion education reforms as a vision for improving schools.
AUSTRALIAN three- and four-year-olds are engaged in formal preschool education at one of the lowest rates in the world.
LABOR’S education reforms hung in the balance last night, as bewildered states pondered who would take ministerial control.
THE Auditor-General has found that the Gonski education reforms contain only $879 million in new spending over their first four years.
THERE is too much emphasis on low achievers.
THE Napthine government is trying to force a $7bn cash injection into its education system in a bid to profit from reform.
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