Doctors back inquiry on kids’ trans care
More than 200 doctors have signed a petition calling for an inquiry into treatment of trans youth.
More than 200 doctors in three days have added their names to a medicos’ petition urging Health Minister Greg Hunt to call a wide-ranging parliamentary inquiry into risky medical treatment of young people who believe they were born in the wrong body.
Nine child psychiatrists, nine paediatricians, and 14 university professors and associate professors are among the signatories so far to the doctors’ letter launched online on Sunday. They support a 16-page inquiry brief sent to Mr Hunt earlier this month by Western Sydney University professor of paediatrics John Whitehall. The plan is to present the petition to the minister before parliament resumes in mid-October.
Last month, Mr Hunt referred concerns to the Royal Australasian College of Physicians but Dr Whitehall and supporters do not believe the college is capable of running the comprehensive and independent inquiry needed.
Meanwhile, world-renowned child and adolescent psychiatrist Christopher Gillberg says he thinks unproven treatment of trans-identifying children is “possibly one of the greatest scandals in medical history”.
Professor Gillberg’s neuropsychiatry group at Sweden’s Gothenburg University — which has research hubs in Britain, France and Japan — has called for an immediate moratorium on the use of puberty blocker drugs because of their unknown long-term effects.
He said the situation in Sweden was “absolutely horrendous”, with hundreds of children a year given “experimental” puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, risking infertility, “in the face of their parents’ doubts”.
Dr Whitehall and Oxford University professor of evidence-based medicine Carl Heneghan have also claimed that lack of solid, long-term evidence makes trans medical treatment of children “experimental”.
The Australian sought comment from Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital, home of the nation’s biggest child gender clinic.
The spokesman for the doctors’ letter, Rob Pollnitz, a retired paediatrician with 50 years’ experience, said he believed gender confusion in children and adolescents was chiefly a psychological issue, not biological.
“Before we give them unproven treatments with hormones and surgery, we ought to do our very best to sort out their psychological issues,” he said.
Critics of the pro-trans “affirmation model”, spearheaded in Australia by the RCH, say they believe it focuses on “gender dysphoria” (conflict between identity and biological sex) at the expense of multiple other issues — such as autism, anorexia, family trauma or depression — in need of treatment.
Professor Gillberg said the vast majority of new diagnoses of gender dysphoria in Sweden were teenage girls who, unlike more familiar early-onset cases involving males, “did not show any trans tendencies before the age of 10 years”.
“Many of the Swedish (late-onset) cases have autism or anorexia nervosa,” he said. He added it was very common for these young people “to have even more identity problems in puberty — who am I? How should I behave? What will become of me? Am I hetero? — than average.
“This identity crisis almost always resolves within a few years,’’ he said. “I believe that it is this group that is now recruited by the activists in the field.”
The trans lobby has complained that the treatment debate started by Professor Gillberg in Sweden will make young trans people question their identity.
He has won international accolades for his work but is also known in Sweden for a scientific controversy in which his research team destroyed data. He said the Swedish state had required him to guarantee confidentiality for children in the study, yet indicted him when the data was not handed over to critics of the project, as ordered by the courts.