Best hangover cures from our top bartenders
Big nights lead to some of the best stories and even the experts can overdo it. Arm yourself with these tips on bouncing back.
Big nights lead to some of the best — and weirdest — stories and it’s almost a relief to know that even the experts can overdo it.
Because occasionally our enthusiasm can exceed our common sense. Australia has some mighty good bars these days and who else to ask about the adult pursuit of excess — and dealing with the consequences — than the men and women behind the drink behind the bar? In the world of shaking, stirring and drinking for pleasure, we’ve rounded up some of the best. Enjoy their stories, embrace your wanderlust as they recall their favourite bars around the globe and always, always drink responsibly.
SVEN ALMENNING The Speakeasy Group
Eau de Vie, Melbourne
What’s your favourite bar in the world?
I am, of course, incredibly biased, but Eau de Vie is my hands down favourite bar. It’s always been my number one. Other bars I love include Lobo Plantation in Sydney (gorgeous venue) and Above Board in Melbourne. And internationally I was a huge fan of La Esquina and Mayahuel in New York, but I am not sure these are still open.
What’s your favourite cocktail?
I don’t have a favourite cocktail; it all depends on mood and occasion, but I do love a cool and crisp dry Martini or a Negroni before dinner, and prefer Margaritas in the sun. Blood & Sands are great when out on the town, or as an after dinner indulgence, and I always make sure I have a Smoky Rob Roy if I’m at Eau de Vie.
What’s your hangover cure?
Hangovers are unavoidable in my game, although I do try to avoid the big thumpers these days. For me, the best remedy is: two painkillers before bed with loads of water. Then a jump in the pool or a super cold shower when I get up next morning, followed by two strong coffees, a quick HIIT session to sweat it out and, perhaps most importantly, fast until 1 or 2pm: it helps me get back in the game quicker.
Tell us about your worst hangover?
Hah. I cannot go into the detail of them all, but the Smoky Rob Roy was a drink I created for the Eau de Vie menu when we first opened nearly 11 years ago as a twist on the classic. It included cigar-infused rum, two different whiskies, and our home made vermouth. It was listed as one of the top 10 cocktails in the world by Elite Traveller a few years ago. But I can truly say that you’ve never had a really punishing hangover until you have kids. I had a particularly devastating one about seven years ago when the kids were about three years old (I have twin boys); we’d finished off bottles of Scotch, a few bottles of Champagne and an assortment of wine between four of us and the kids decided to do the river dance on my nether region when I was trying to sleep in.
Have you ever thought of giving up drinking?
I don’t drink nearly as much as I used to and live a pretty healthy lifestyle, but to me booze is too good to give up. I drink for enjoyment rather than for effect, and I love whisky, Champagne, Guinness and the good life too much to ever stop. Ideally I have a whisky or two every day and some cocktails and champagne on the weekends.
The Gresham, Brisbane
Best hangover cure?
It’s been touted many times: prevention. A tonne of water, Hydralyte, paracetamol and, when all else fails, sitting in the shower for 2 hours questioning your existence.
Favourite cocktail?
A Chrysanthemum. It appears in Harry Craddock’s The Savoy Cocktail Book (1930) where he mentions its popularity at the time in the American Bar on-board the S.S. Europa, a German ocean liner.
Worst hangover?
The most soul killing one was probably in 2019. I was in Berlin for Bar Convent Berlin. We had to check out of our Airbnb at 11am to fly to Bordeaux. I got home at 9am. We missed our flight and had to catch a red eye to Paris very late. I think it was a 10pm flight, which meant a seven-hour wait. We landed in Paris at almost midnight and had to wake up at 4.30am to catch a train to Bordeaux. It was a cross-country hangover. If I hadn’t been hungover it would have been enormous fun and I would never change the whole experience for the world, but I’m pretty sure I left a piece of my soul in the Schönefeld Airport bathrooms.
Every wanted to quit drinking?
I have. I actually don’t drink much. I don’t even drink regularly. I’ll go out for drinks maybe once every two or three months and I don’t ever drink at home.
Favourite bar in the world?
I could never choose a favourite child; however I am a diehard fan of local bars. Bars that you sit down in and three hours later you leave as best friends with the bartender. Bars that serve entertainment and atmosphere just as importantly as great drinks and service.
Ethos Deli + Dining Room, Perth
Best hangover cure?
A cold shower followed by hot coffee then back to work.
Favourite cocktail?
A Gin Martini. I love Martinis and a well-made Alaska is my all-time favourite. It’s a close relative of the Martinez and Gibson. It first appeared in print around 1913 calling for gin, yellow chartreuse and orange bitters but fast forward to 1930 and the bitters have been dropped and the Old Tom replaced for a Dry Gin. I still like to add bitters to mine.
Worst hangover?
After the 2019 Bar Awards in Sydney we partied ’til 4am at a bar I will not name and at 6am I had to board a flight to Bangkok for a guest shift. It’s safe to say I was not in great shape going through customs.
Ever wanted to quit drinking?
About five years ago I developed a huge passion for fitness, which I still have, but during that time I spent almost a year without booze. It is very doable in this industry, as much as some people might disagree. It’s a movement that you will see happen more and more. I know a lot of my bartender friends around the world are all looking after themselves by replacing booze with waking up early and going to the gym. But I don’t think, personally, I would ever give it up all together.
Favourite bar in the world?
Three Sheets, London.
Alfred’s Bar, Adelaide
Favourite bar in the world?
It’s not a bar, but my favourite place for a drink is the Victory Hotel, an iconic pub at Sellicks Hill (southern McLaren Vale). Panoramic views of the ocean, vineyards and olive groves with no-fuss hospitality, cold beers at the ready and a banging wine list. Bloody beautiful.
Favourite cocktail?
While I do appreciate a lot of the creativity and originality on offer these days, I tend to gravitate to well-done classics; especially a wet Martini or even the far simpler Americano. The history of the Martini is a little unknown. The most probable theory is that it came to be through the evolution of the Manhattan and the Martinez sometime in the 1800s. Other theories exist, but this seems to be the most agreed-upon.
Worst hangover?
There’s certainly been a few. Some horrid ones on holidays to Asia; the oppressive heat and humidity is so unforgiving. But the one that springs to mind is from earlier this year when I had my bucks party; two nights away in regional South Australia with no Gatorade, no Frosty Fruits and a two-and-a-half hour drive home. Horrid.
Best hangover cure?
It’s all about prevention. If I manage to have a pre-session Gatorade, and another before hitting the pillow, I tend to pull up pretty good. This doesn’t always happen though, so a good old Frosty Fruits iceblock will go a long way to getting me back on track.
Ever thought about quitting drinking?
To be honest, no. For the past five years now I’ve either been studying or working within the beverage industry and to give up drinking indefinitely would actually be impractical. In saying that, I’d like to think I practise pretty responsible drinking habits anyway so as to avoid ever questioning if I should give up.
Carbon, Taqiza, Sonora, La Palma and Calita, Sydney
Favourite bar in the world?
A small Mescal bar in Oaxaca called Mezcalogia. They have direct connections with the master distillers. At the same time, as long as there’s delicious cocktails, live music, and an intimate space, you can’t go wrong wherever you are.
Favourite cocktail?
Mezcal Tommy’s (a twist on the Margarita). It was created by Julio Bermejo at a bar called Tommy’s, San Francisco. The idea was to have a 100 per cent Mexican Margarita: Tequila 100 per cent agave, lime juice and agave syrup. But I love Mescal, and I think it goes better with mezcal’s smokiness.
Worst hangover?
Summer 2007; I was almost 20. We drank a lot of Singani, which is a distillate from grapes, similar to Pisco, but from Bolivia. We were with friends in Lake Titicaca on the Bolivian side, in Copacabana. We drank heaps and every single one of us was sick. Terrible. Singani never again.
Have you ever given up drinking?
I’ve had a few stages where I’ve stopped for a few weeks and gone clean for a bit. But it is a really important part of my social life, plus Mescal love is hard to quit.
What’s your best hangover cure?
Michelada, which is like a Bloody Mary with beer instead of vodka: delicious. Ceviche; tacos and another beer at a BBQ if I’m able to do it.
Cobbler, Savile Row, and Death and Taxes, Brisbane
Favourite cocktail and best hangover cure:
My hangover cure is the cocktail called Corpse Reviver #2. Which happens to “coincidentally” be my favourite cocktail. It has a colourful history and many variations. Long story short, the cocktail was created as a pick-me-up to be drunk before 11am to cure hangovers and lift the spirits.
References go back as far back as 1860s, but the Savoy Hotel in London (which is also one of my favourite places for a drink) is the one renowned for making this cocktail popular. It is supposed to be consumed in two or three quick sips to pep you up, but it is still delicious at any time. I particularly enjoy it after a big dinner.
Worst hangover?
I would have to say after a cocktail competition final held by Hendrick’s (gin) in Vanuatu, in which we not only partook of a lot of gin cocktails, but also shared the traditional cava with the locals. It wasn’t a pretty morning.
Ever thought about quitting drinking?
I personally haven’t. I have a lot of colleagues that have, and I respect that a lot. I just never had a problem with alcohol enough to make me think about it. I believe in moderation and balance. You obviously have your big nights here and there, but in general I drink to enjoy.
Favourite bar in the world?
That’s a tough question. Without sounding like a bar snob, I really believe it’s about the location and the mood you are in. But if I would have to pick one, I would say Dead Rabbit in New York.
The Everleigh, Bar Margaux, Connie’s Pizza & Heartbreaker, Melbourne
What’s your best hangover cure?
Our house Dark ‘n’ Stormy and a beer. But it’s a shandy before my shift though.
Favourite cocktail?
The Americano: king of aperitivi. Always. A precursor to the Negroni. Said to have been invented by Gaspare Campari in the 1860s. Back then it was called the Milano Torino before adding soda water and changing the name.
Worst hangover?
After a shift at Milk & Honey. Home at 8am. Back at 4pm to cut ice. I was on the back of a friend’s scooter (on the way in). It was the only time I’d ever considered jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge. Took me five Dark ‘n’ Stormy’s to beat that one; totally fine after that and actually had a great night.
Have you ever thought you should quit drinking?
Favourite bar in the world?
Milk & Honey, New York (RIP).
Bar Consultant, Perth
Worst hangover?
I woke up in my underpants under the kitchen table once when I was younger. I had no idea how I got there, I still don’t. When I eventually ventured outside, my neighbour across the street was fixing his white picket fence. It turns out when I got home I drunkenly lost my balance and then went on one of those drunken runs trying to regain my balance, but I couldn’t regain it and I just ran up the whole street and fell straight through his fence. He still doesn’t talk to me.
Best hangover cure?
Pickle juice. Trust me, it has all the salts, sugars and vitamins you need, and it works like nothing else. You’ll be sorted in an hour.
Favourite cocktail?
Mezcal Tommy’s Margarita. I believe ancient Aztecs were seen drinking them during their annual festival “Orgious Bendaho el Grande” which of course translates to “The Great Bender Orgy” in 1609 … nah it’s just a Tommy’s Margarita but switch out tequila with Mescal. The iconic Tommy’s in San Francisco has been around since 1965. This cocktail was created back in the 90s and is an excellent variation on a margarita.
Would you quit drinking?
I have thought about it … then I sober up and realise life is way too short to be having such negative thoughts. Life is better when you can share a drink with friends.
Favourite bar in the world?
It’s a tie between Zuma, Dubai, and Mother’s Ruin in New York City.
Hot Tamale (NT)
Best hangover cure?
I always try to pre-plan for a hangover. Coconut water before drinking is extremely helpful, then drinking sparkling water during the session always helps me out. In the morning, something that always helps but is very weird to some, is sushi. A good salmon and avo roll always works.
Best cocktail?
I go through phases. I like simple and tasty. At the moment, a good dirty gin martini but my all-time favourites are a Negroni and, of course, the Hot Tamale Margarita.
The Hot Tamale Margarita was created about six years ago as our version of a Margarita that everyone will love. It is inspired by a classic meets a Tommy’s – we trade out agave for our house made orange oleo saccharum and give it a half-flaked sea salt rim.
Worst hangover?
The standout was definitely after a night in Adelaide for The Blend cocktail competition – there were many Maker’s Old Fashioned’s drunk and that is basically all I remember. The next day, check out was 11am and our flight back to Darwin wasn’t until 5pm.
Those six hours were some of the longest of my life! Sitting in the heat of the Mall, trying to drink water and keep anything down was a very big struggle.
Ever wanted to quit drinking?
No. Drinking, like anything good, has to be done in moderation. I tend to only drink when I’m at a nice bar or at an event. They are the only things that make the hangover worth it.
Favourite bar in the world?
La Capilla in Tequila, Mexico, was just an absolutely amazing place to see and have a drink at, whereas Tommy’s in San Francisco was a big bucket list for me.
A little closer to home, Cantina OK! has seen me have a pretty big night or two on some very tasty Mescal and the guys have always been absolute legends.
Bartender, Victoria
Best hangover cure?
Three paracetamol before bed (if you can remember), and two litres of cold coconut water to get back in the game when you wake up.
Favourite cocktail?
It varies depending on the day, time, and location, but coming into the warmer months, the Daiquiri is calling. It’s the bartender’s answer to airconditioning.
The Daiquiri is said to have been invented by American mining engineer, Jennings Cox, in Cuba near the end of the 19th century.
Worst hangover?
2015. Madrid. I spent a month there one night, drinking heavily salted Bullshot cocktails until the bar closed. The next morning, I had to wrap my head in cold white towels like a mummy just in order to think.
Quit drinking?
Many times, and I challenge myself to constantly take long stretches away from alcohol.
Best bar in the world:
Bacchanal, in New Orleans. Magical. Home to the perfect mixture of rosé, live jazz, and large slabs of cheese in a beautiful outdoor setting under a canopy of trees and fairy lights. Everyone should experience this place.
Bar Torino, Adelaide
Best hangover cure?
Most people will say having another drink, but absolutely for me it is a bowl of pasta the size of my head with heaps and heaps of parmesan. Nothing beats it. If I can‘t get that, a Bloody Mary works wonders.
Favourite cocktail?
I love a Red Hook. I basically like anything in the Manhattan family. It’s heavy on the rye with a touch of sweetness. It is delicious and boozy! The Red Hook is a modern classic.
Created by Vincenzo Errico at Milk & Honey in 2003, it is a riff on a Brooklyn and Manhattan, and is therefore named after another New York City neighbourhood.
Worst hangover?
After an impromptu weekend in Melbourne, I went with a friend and we hit up our favourite bars – Black Pearl, Bar Liberty, Eau de Vie, Above Board … We had Margaritas the size of our heads somewhere for dinner. The next day we had an early lunch booking at Anchovy. The amazing waitress saw how horrible we felt and kept bringing us out roti. All the food was delicious, but it took a Bloody Mary at the airport to bring us back to life before having to hop back on a plane to work that night. Working and flying with a hangover, nope!
Ever think of quitting drinking?
Honestly, no. I don‘t often go out and drink, so for me my hangovers are few and far between (that doesn’t mean they don’t suck, they are the worst!) so I’m not drinking every night. I love trying new drinks, plus it is a big part of my world.
Favourite bar in the world?
Probably Death & Co in New York or this super small bar in Athens called Brettos Bar. Brettos is this tiny bar off the Plaka in Athens. It is run by an older couple with their children doing most of the work now. But every single spirit that lines the walls in the bar, plus 16 barrels, are full of house-made spirits. The venue is packed, to the point where we were given a spot at the cash register just so that we could sit down! The couple don’t speak any English but that just adds to the charm. You won’t find the best cocktails, but you’ll find exceptional service, a story that you won’t forget and a venue that is magical to be inside.