
Chris Kenny

NSW, Queensland bushfire emergency: Left’s climate lunacy is dangerous, offensive

Chris Kenny
Greens and activists are 'selling lunacy on the back of lost property and death'

I am not going to go quiet on this crazy debate about bushfires and climate.

Too many journalists are giving credence to this debate, too many are entertaining the comments of the Greens and others as somehow defensible when they are clearly offensive and so idiotic it is impossible to justify anyone taking them seriously.

Let’s have a listen again to inner-city Melbourne Greens MP Adam Bandt on ABC radio this morning doubling down on his madness.

ADAM BANDT: “This government’s been in power now for six years and what’s happened during that time is that they’ve come up with so called climate policies that have helped deliver this kind of scenario.”

This bloke is seriously trying to pretend that anything any government has done in the past six years has contributed to the fire danger today.

No, he is not talking about failure to clear bush, to implement hazard reduction burns.

He is talking about climate.

READ MORE: Live coverage : ‘Most dangerous fire week in our history’ | Greens pour fuel on fires | Greens policies increasing bushfire threat: Joyce | Nimbin hippies admit bush got too wild | Safety ‘can’t be put on backburner’ | Carbon talk fanciful when jury’s still out on drought | States brace for economic firestorm |

These nutters constantly tell us to follow the science.

Well, the facts and the science tell us this.

There is nothing that any state or federal government could have done in the past six years, in the past 20 years or 50 years that could have had any impact on our climate for good or bad.

That is impossible.

We make up just over one per cent of global greenhouse emissions.

So Bandt’s claim to pin the blame on his political opponents for deadly bushfires is as stupid and absurd as it is offensive.

But he goes further.

ADAM BANDT: “Barely 11 days after the Port Arthur massacre, John Howard came up with a gun control agreement. Scott Morrison could have a national climate agreement before the end of the year. If Scott Morrison took a leaf out of John Howard’s book, he could say these terrible tragedies are something we should do everything in our power to avoid happening ever again, and that means coming up with a plan to get out of coal and minimise the risk of terrible fires like this happening ever again.”

All the stupids.

This bloke is suggesting there are policies the Australian government can implement that can make our springs and summers cooler and wetter.

No scientist would be silly enough to make such a claim.

Even if we accept that lower emissions might make a difference, we could shut our country down and have zero emissions and in a decade there would still be no change in any climate anywhere in the world because global emissions still would have increased.

These people are selling lunacy and they selling it on the back of lost properties and deaths.

Yes we have an early fire season, because we are in a drought, a bad drought, in some areas it is the worst since the Federation drought.

There’s your clue, we had as bad or worse in the 1890s and 1900s.

And our pre-eminent climate scientist has told us in emphatic terms there is no direct link between drought and climate change, there is no long term drying trend in the Australian rainfall data.

In fact all the IPCC modelling says, rather logically if you give it more than a moment’s thought, that if the planet warms there will be more rain, not less.

So on every level Bandt, Di Natale, their Labor supporters, activists and so many journalists, so many silly journalists, are talking absolute nonsense.

It insults the intelligence of every Australian, it ignores the wisdom of everyone with bushfire experience, who know the very real and terrifying threat of bushfires in this country every summer, every year, for time immemorial.

It holds out cruel, ridiculous and false hope that somehow, sometime in some greeny nirvana future we will, for the first time, not have deadly bushfire threats in the hot months.

And worst of all it seeks to exploit a regular and horrific disaster threat for an opportunistic political goal.

Read related topics:BushfiresClimate Change
Chris Kenny
Chris KennyAssociate Editor (National Affairs)

Commentator, author and former political adviser, Chris Kenny hosts The Kenny Report, Monday to Thursday at 5.00pm on Sky News Australia. He takes an unashamedly rationalist approach to national affairs.

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