UN vote on Palestine makes us ‘useful idiot’ for Hamas’s evil cause
Australia’s vote on Friday to upgrade the status of the “state of Palestine” at the UN General Assembly as an observer state is morally confusing. It appears to reward Hamas for the October 7 massacre. Foreign Minister Penny Wong says the upgrade won’t get past the Security Council, which would have to recommend full membership. The vote only meant the Assembly recommending the Council consider the matter favourably. Knowing that, we should have at least abstained, like the UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Ukraine and Fiji. But an abstention wouldn’t have pleased those in certain western Sydney marginal seats. Much easier to sell out Israel. Our vote wreaks of shameless political opportunism.
In voting no, it was the US statement at the UN vote that took the correct line, supported by four members of our Pacific family, PNG, Micronesia, Nauru, and Palau: “President Biden has been clear that sustainable peace in the region can be achieved only through a two-state solution, with Israel’s security guaranteed, where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side with equal measures of freedom and dignity. It remains the US view that unilateral measures at the UN and on the ground will not advance this goal.”
Anthony Bergin, Reid, ACT
The international push for declaration of a Palestinian state neglects the essential elements of international law and the terms of the Oslo Accords, signed by the Palestinian Authority but never implemented by it. The conditions for statehood are settled borders, effective governance, a stable population and the ability to conduct international relations. On all of these issues, the Palestinians fail. The Palestinians have abrogated the Oslo Accords, which stipulate that neither Israel nor the PA may take actions to establish a Palestinian state except by negotiations. If the Oslo Accords are a treaty usurped by the PA, why should anyone trust any treaty or agreement entered into by the Palestinians? Australia has effectively rewarded Hamas for starting the war in Gaza.
Why would Hamas release hostages or lay down its arms when its barbarism has yielded such good results at the UN? Far from encouraging a two-state solution, the vote of Australia and other “useful idiot” countries will ensure further warfare such as that which started on October 7.
Michael Neustein, Bondi, NSW
I am ashamed of our Labor government for voting to admit the “state of Palestine” to the United Nations. The once proud UN is sadly now a failed organisation. I am sure that its founders, including Eleanor Roosevelt, would be ashamed of what has become of the organisation they created.
English journalist Douglas Murray was just awarded the Alexander Hamilton Award by the Manhattan Institute for his unwavering defence of Western values. He said Israel has been up against not just a people of death, but a cult of death that wants to annihilate an entire race. Not only that, they have also made it clear what they wish to do with Christians. They do not hide it, and he says we should believe them. Murray dedicated his acceptance speech to the brave people of Israel.
Bill Ivinson, Beaumaris, Vic
That the government has voted in favour of Palestinian UN membership should come as no surprise. In the recent UK council elections, areas with dominant Muslim populations saw large swings against UK Labour. One successful Greens candidate’s victory speech linked his electoral success to Gaza, finishing with a shout of “Allahu Akbar”. Faced with minority government next year, the ALP is looking to shore up its western Sydney seats where Muslim voters are dominant. Principle and ideology play no part in this, the policy being to do whatever it takes.
Bruce Watson, Kirribilli, NSW
Reviewing a recent media conference given by Anthony Albanese, Chris Kenny skewers the typical Albanese word salad (“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate, PM”, 11-12/5). For seven months now, and culminating with government support of a UN vote on Palestinian membership, the PM has consistently shown a disregard for Bob Hawke’s prescient words from decades ago: “If the bell tolls for Israel, it won’t just toll for Israel, it will toll for all mankind.”
Mandy Macmillan, Singleton, NSW
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