The Greens are wired differently to the mainstream
It doesn’t get much lower than politicians exploiting natural disasters for political gain (“Lies, illusions, extremists stalk the political fringes”, 13/11). As with any disaster, the role of pragmatism, or lack of it, comes to the fore, not ideology. Evidence of inadequate fuel reduction burning is always prominent in bushfires.
Why do we allow forests to build up into incendiary conditions by spring? This crisis actually strengthens the argument for the Morrison government to stick to its pragmatic, balanced approach. Any swing towards green-left ideology, such as further subsidising renewables, a most inefficient form of power, would only weaken the economy and reduce our ability to address and mitigate the effects of natural disasters.
Ron Hobba, Camberwell, Vic
Comments by Greens leader Richard Di Natale and his comrade in arms Adam Bandt are proof positive that some of our politicians, particularly the Greens, are wired differently to common-sense Australians.
Very little of what the Greens say would qualify as commonsensical. To try to lay blame on their political opponents for these bushfires is a bridge way too far. This time the Greens have revealed themselves for what they are — an irrelevant and most unhelpful element to the political life of Australia.
Peter D. Surkitt, Sandringham, Vic
Regardless of Greens’ posturing on the government’s inaction on climate change contributing to the present bushfire situation, had all governments been working to reduce greenhouse emissions during the past 50 years, it would have done nothing to alleviate the situation today.
If Greens-dominated councils had allowed for clearing of trees near suburban houses and more regular backburning in heavily forested areas during those same 50 years, this dire situation would have been either alleviated or avoided. The irony is almost as breathtaking as this smoke-infused atmosphere.
John Lewis, Port Macquarie, NSW
The Greens are certainly and deservedly copping a lot of criticism while the fires burn. Fuel reduction burning is a tried and proven defensive mechanism against bushfires, yet it’s virtually outlawed in this day and age. So many properties would have been saved had it been done.
While greening Australia might be our next initiative, the Greens should change their name to the reds. One for the obvious reason; the other because these tree huggers are now red-faced. And yes, Bruce Collison (Letters, 13/11), just how many Greens are out there trying to save their beloved trees and, more importantly, lives and property?
Ken Johnston, Rochedale South, Qld
I see Greens MP Adam Bandt says it is the Prime Minister’s fault and climate change has caused the bushfires in the east. This is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black; the reason the bushfires have been so devastating can be laid at the feet of the Greens whose policies that have stopped controlled burning of the fuel load during winter. That would have limited the intensity of the fires and made them easier to control.
How can a party that gets 10 per cent of the vote have so much say? It is only with the support of Labor that their policies are implemented to the devastating effect we see today.
The royal commission into the Ash Wednesday fires recommended controlled burning — why has this not been implemented? Those who complain about smoke from burns carried out in Western Australia should take note of what has happens when this is not done.
Listening to Greens such as Adam Bandt makes me wonder how people can vote for them.
Mike Carr, South Lake, WA
It is doubtful whether Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and former US president Barack Obama have much in common. But their views on wokeness are similar. Obama said recently: “This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re politically woke, and all that stuff — you should get over that quickly. The world is messy. It is full of ambiguities.”
McCormack also referred to the purity and enlightenment of those who think they have all the answers. Now that Nimbin hippies are blaming the greenies for making bushfire conditions worse, we know we are in messy political territory.
Rod Wise, Surrey Hills, Vic