
Tax cut saving of $48 a week too little to meet cost-of-living issues

The latest average wage for Australians is just under $2000 a week or about $100,000 a year and the Labor government has reduced the tax from 32.5 per cent to 30 per cent, which is a saving of $2500 a year (“ ‘Every taxpayer wins’: PM hails stage three victory”, 28/2). This is about $48 a week, which isn’t going to solve anyone’s cost-of-living problems.

Paul Haege, Darling Point, NSW

OK, BMWs are lovely cars, but at about three times the cost of Camry hybrids I cannot understand how the government can be so casual with our money (“Luxury new EV fleet for ASEAN leaders’ travel”, 28/2). I’m sure visiting ASEAN leaders will not refuse to travel in a Camry.

Roy Stall, Mount Claremont, WA

The only way Australia can afford to ferry ASEAN dignitaries around in Labor’s new luxury European EV fleet is by continuing to export huge quantities of coal and gas. Virtue-signalling horse-drawn carriages would have much less impact on the climate.

Jim Taylor, Brisbane

If we have just one reason to be grateful to Scott Morrison for his capable years in politics, it is to thank him profusely for his part in relieving us of the daily presence of Malcolm Turnbull on our television screens.

Lesley Beckhouse, Queanbeyan, NSW

One saving Albo could implement is to get rid of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. Clearly the conclusions from its report miss the point (“Gender pay gap zealots care nothing for fairness”, 28/2). It does not even follow its own guidelines on gender equality, by predominantly employing women. Probably save us $3m a year.

Brian Povey, Churchlands, WA

The article on Morrison’s legacy (“History will look kindly on Morrison legacy, flaws and all”, 28/2) overlooked his role in the Robodebt scheme, which persecuted many innocent people and cost the taxpayer more in compensation than it saved. Morrison never truly apologised for the disaster.

Terry Aulich, West Hobart, Tas

Andrew Forrest’s recent emotional outburst against the merits of nuclear energy bears all the hallmarks of a possible painful realisation that he may have placed a big bet on the wrong horse.

T.Trotter, Brisbane

So, nuclear power stations cost too much and lose money? That means the 56 or so nuclear electricity generators in France are operating at a loss, and the power they supply to Britain and Germany is also at a loss?

Peter Lauricella, Beerwah, Qld

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