Selfish protesters could have undone all our good work
We are told 15 per cent of COVID-19 carriers are asymptomatic. If at each Black Lives Matter rally of 10,000 or more people, there were 5-10 asymptomatic carriers present, each spreading the virus, the number of potential Australian deaths would dwarf the total of black deaths in custody.
Imagine each person going home and mixing with and infecting several people. It may take three or four weeks for this disaster to manifest itself. Until now, one could only admire the actions our governments have taken to give us such an excellent survival rate. Now, in response, these selfish demonstrators will most likely succeed in changing our world into one that is a bleak version of what it otherwise might have been.
Art Raiche, Killara, NSW
I understand the reason why the Black Lives Matter movement targeted the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol was because of his profiting from the slave trade, despite his numerous philanthropic achievements.
I’m keen to hear what these protesters think of the prophet Mohammed, who bought, sold, captured and owned slaves.
Ian Mastin, Woodgate Beach, Qld
Tragic but true
Any argument based on false premises is invalid, as are protests not based on facts. It is tragic but true that some Aborigines have died in custody, but the royal commission revealed that their death rate is lower than the rate of deaths in the non-indigenous population in custody.
Suicide and self-harm are prevalent in indigenous communities but protesters ignore the statistics showing the same problem among white communities.
That is why the protester displaying the placard saying “all deaths matter” showed that at least someone bothered to do a little thinking rather than indulge in irrational behaviour.
Nearly 90 per cent of murdered indigenous people have been killed by their indigenous brothers. Tell that to those who love to hate, and you are faced with the eternal problem of contradicting those who prefer to live in darkness rather than the light.
Brian Denton, Gwandalan, NSW
Vindictive communists
How many times does this country have to respond to an unnecessarily vindictive Chinese communist government that threatens us with trade restrictions whenever it decides it has been offended?
Yes, we benefit from trading with China and vice versa. There are other countries to trade with and every avenue should be explored to find new markets for our products, services and technical expertise.
Peter Jaggard, Watermans Bay, WA
Our universities are unviable because Chinese students have been advised by the Chinese authorities not to go to Australia for their studies. Since when did this free, clever country of ours become so reliant on funds from fee-paying Chinese students that we cannot operate our universities without them?
The communist government of China has made several threats in relation to our exports and trade deals. We should use this situation to overhaul and restructure our universities and be masters of our own destiny.
Lizzie Haydon, Runcorn, Qld
Christianity’s rock
Even as an atheist, I concur with Greg Sheridan’s view that the core values of Christianity have shaped Western societies (“Western liberalism stands firm on Christianity’s rock”, 11/6). The separation of church and state mantra ignores how many human rights and Western values are attributable to Judaeo-Christian values being enshrined in law. Sadly many atheists cannot acknowledge that our society and freedoms have been built on those principles.
David Reimers, Aldgate, SA