Let’s beware the thought police stepping on a cartoonist’s patch
Your careful, precise, eloquent and stunningly well-written editorial (“Press Council cartoon ruling no laughing matter”, 20/8) satisfies your obligations to the council but firmly sets out your case, one heightened by the constant spectre of adverse reactions to a certain cartoon by Bill Leak on Indigenous affairs some years ago.
This, together with the piece by Glenn Martin (“Claim of ‘legal adventurism’ misses the mark”, 19/8), demonstrates the calibre of your writers (and sketchers) and your own high standards. The Australian stands head and shoulders above the others.
Leni Palk, Unley, SA
Is the Press Council now the thought police? While the council may not accept “that readers would see” Johannes Leak’s cartoon as “anti-racist or anti-misogynist”, that was how I saw it. I am sure many other readers did too.
Michael Kottek, Ocean Grove, Vic
Swedish models
A few facts to consider for those advocating the Swedish model for containing Covid-19: Sweden’s death rate is 37 times that of Australia’s. Using Sweden’s model that has resulted in 1438 deaths per million, Australia, with a population of more than 25 million, would have been looking at almost 40,000 deaths. Furthermore, because Sweden’s vaccination rate is almost double that of Australia’s, this country most likely would have seen a figure of 80,000 deaths or more. Sweden’s Covid regulations were not as severe as those of its near neighbours or some of Australia’s states and territories but Swedes have not been devoid of harsh restrictions limiting their freedom and everyday activities.
David Allan, Bendigo, Vic
What a sad day for democracy and personal freedom when the NSW Premier suggests easing restrictions in regions with low infection rates and high vaccination status, only to be shot down by her own government’s “star chamber” on the basis “it stood to reward unvaccinated individuals”. So rather than reward vaccinated people, the “star chamber” would rather punish the lesser unvaccinated. We are now seeing another phase of the pandemic where punitive initiatives are driving the campaign. We need to step back and get some perspective here. Lockdowns and vaccinations are supposed to be for the betterment of all mankind, not just those who have given informed consent to be vaccinated.
Christopher Woodley, Vaucluse, NSW
As the NSW Premier will soon announce all citizens of the state who have both shots of a vaccine will be given more freedom, surely now is the time for the lifesaving meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous to be regarded as essential services, at least for those who have had both jabs. It strikes me as extremely wrongheaded for liquor outlets and for psychologists running group therapy sessions to be regarded as essential services, yet actual meetings of AA and NA are not. Meeting on Zoom is no substitute for the face-to-face fellowship of recovering alcoholics and other addicts, some of whom have tragically died during recent lockdowns. The NSW Premier and the Lord Mayor of Sydney should bite the bullet and instruct their bureaucrats to regard actual meetings of AA and NA as essential services. The same should apply throughout Australia.
Ross Fitzgerald, Redfern, NSW
Today I went to Centrelink, having tried to book an appointment online. There was a line and the doors were closed. I waved over a staff member standing inside the door and asked if there were any chairs. I was on crutches. When told no, I asked if I could sit inside. Again he refused.
A female staffer came out and laid down the law. I reminded her she was a public servant to serve the community. She continued speaking in a loud voice, saying they would not accept abuse and if it continued she would call the police. I can only hope there was a security camera in the room that can show her behaviour towards older, vulnerable Australians.
Di Underwood-Hammond, Gold Coast, Qld
Energy truths
Perry Williams draws attention to the impracticality of unfettered expansion of solar and wind generation in the national electricity grid (“Coal ‘subsidy’ risks green energy strike”, 20/8). The peeved investors in renewable energy seem to have forgotten their current and planned facilities are viable only because of significant subsidies, including no responsibility to provide a continuous supply. This week we heard complaints from renewable producers over a proposal to charge feed-in suppliers to cover the gaps in supply capacity. Someone has to pay for this energy security, whether it is in the form of pumped hydro, batteries or standby gas or coal generators. The consumer ends up paying an exorbitant price because of the growth in renewables
Ian Wilson, Chapel Hill, Qld