
Last Post: Rewriting history, health spending boost, pronunciation

Isn’t it amazing that whenever anti-Semitic statements are sheeted home to their authors, they are always being quoted out of context. What are the chances of that?

Mike Smith, Halls Head, WA

If Volodymyr Zelensky started the Ukraine war, it follows retrospectively that Poland started the war of 1939 and America the war against Japan; South Korea and South Vietnam started their wars, and Israel started all the wars against Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. Counter-factual history is so much more interesting than boring old factual history.

Neville Clark, Battery Point, Tas

It is becoming obvious that three-year parliamentary terms should be doubled as it apparently takes all of the first term for a government to stumble on the brilliant policies to be implemented in the next term.

Peter Davidson, Ashgrove, Qld

Another negative outcome from the Covid pandemic is the proliferation of noughts – millions have become billions.

Alex Cleave, North Fremantle, WA

Why do all GPs have to become public servants? Can’t any be allowed to be members of a profession?

Peter R. Graham, Sydney, NSW

So any political party that isn’t left of centre or green is now branded as the far right?

Geoff Farnell, Buderim, Qld

There is to be a remake of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly with Donald Trump playing all three roles.

T. O’Brien, Perth, WA

Donald Trump has now reversed president John F. Kennedy’s inauguration speech of 1961. It is now clear the US will not “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty”. It is time for Australia to look to its own defence.

Greg Baker, Mallanganee, NSW

On matters of pronunciation (Letters, 24/2), to borrow from the opening line of LP Hartley’s The Go-Between: “The ABC is a foreign country: they do language differently there.” At the “yaybeecee” you will hear oddities such as conshumers, speshies, purshue, gonna, wanna and, inexplicably, worry rhyming with sorry.

Deborah Morrison, Malvern East, Vic

Actually, Vincent Pierse, the punters have got it right. For anyone who goes there to gamble, Las Vegas certainly should be pronounced “Loss” Vegas (Letters, 24/2).

Alan Baker, Mansfield, Qld

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