
Last Post, November 10

In America, the electoral college meets in December. The electoral college determines the US presidency. Only when one of the candidates receives 270 electoral college votes do they become president-elect, not before, no matter what the worldwide media says.

Jack Sonnemann, Lucaston, Tas

Short note to all the wannabe Australian republicans.

I hope you’re watching the US rip itself apart. Of course, that would never happen in an Australian republic.

Colin Green, Cleveland, Qld

Apparently, now that an American president-elect says he will aim for zero-carbon emissions, it is essential for Australia to do the same. Funny, because when the current American President withdrew from the foolish Paris Agreement, I don’t recall Labor and Greens politicians or media commentators demanding we do the same.

Burt Bosma, Surrey Hills, Vic

If Scott Morrison buddies up with socialists Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in their stampede to Paris, this conservative voter will be sashaying with someone else.

Stephanie Millar, Cremorne, NSW

I, like most people, remain appalled at Donald Trump’s lack of presidential behaviour in facing defeat, but of the 146.3 million votes counted to date, Joe Biden has attracted just 3 per cent more than Trump. Little wonder the desperate court and recount bids.

Kevin Skinner, McLaren Flat, SA

Surely, Greg Sheridan, most people would prefer Joe Biden’s schmaltz than the President’s vitriolic tongue (“Among Biden’s dangers: schmaltz overload”, 9/11).

Valerie Donovan, Corinda, Qld

People must not forget that America can have only one president at a time and Donald Trump is it until January 20. Instead of hyperventilating about getting him out of the White House, commentators should be asking what he will do in the next 72 days as President of the US.

Geoffrey Luck, Killara, NSW

Bertrand Russell said: “Every great idea starts out as a blasphemy.” This means that any great idea is going to face strong opposition and criticism before its benefits are realised. For political leaders who try to avoid opposition and criticism by saying what the people want to hear, this will not have a good ending. I wish Joe Biden and the people of America well, but if his leadership style is to tick boxes and avoid making tough decisions that could make him unpopular, then this will not end well for Americans.

Dr Anthony Dillon, Australian Catholic University

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