Last Post: Malcolm Turnbull, Paul Kelly, the ABC and Canberra
Malcolm Turnbull should take counsel from Confucius: Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
Jo-Ann Ledger, Swanbourne, WA
The once-proud Four Corners program has sadly become a television version of New Idea magazine (“Row over ABC’s sex expose on ministers”, 10/11).
Paul Everingham, Hamilton, Qld
Paul Kelly was the only — the sole — public commentator on the Q&A panel on Monday night who was self-controlled, logical and dignified. The rest were Trumpian-style narcissists. Shame on the weak, woke ABC.
C. Lendon, Cook, ACT
It’s like the infernal hide of past-it politicians — Kevin Rudd, Malcolm Turnbull and Bob Carr — to demand limitations for the Murdoch media. Is this for any sane or commercial reason or simply because the occasional Murdoch employee hasn’t particularly liked the cut of their jib? These blokes are so much yesterday’s men that most 21-year olds might think “Rudd, Turnbull & Carr” is a prominent advertising agency, heavily concentrated on self-promotion — and who could argue?
Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield, NSW
I used to think Kevin Rudd was our bitterest former PM, but Malcolm Turnbull seems to be trying to outdo him, in both sanctimony and spitefulness.
Phil Johnson, Dee Why, NSW
Apparently Malcolm Turnbull, lawyer and retired politician, believes everybody has to have the same point of view as he has about climate change. He obviously hasn’t noticed the differences that many well-qualified people have on this topic, including members of the Labor Party.
Simon Gamble, Noosa Heads, Qld
It’s way past time for a double-whammy expulsion, Scott Morrison. Expel Malcolm Turnbull from the Liberal Party and expel the ABC from the taxpayers’ teat by putting it up for subscriber funding only. What are you waiting for, PM?
Mandy Macmillan, Singleton, NSW
Who was it that said narcissists lack insight? It is amusing beyond words to see narcissist Donald Trump being berated by Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd for refusing to accept that he is a loser.
John McLeod, Maroochydore, Qld
Ray Warren is perfectly correct (Letters, 11/11) in saying let any charges of falsification of US election results be challenged in the courts. And Rudy Giuliani has been prominent in such calls. But I search vainly every day to learn what the charges are. Surely it’s time to “put up or shut up”?
Barry Lamb, Heidelberg West, Vic