Last Post: Hostages, prisoners, terrorists ... what could possibly go wrong?
Any hopes that Gaza can be rebuilt without Hamas control were dashed when scenes featuring hundreds of AK47-wielding terrorists celebrating the ceasefire were shown on international television. Within hours of the signing of the ceasefire, Hamas leaders were promising fresh assaults on Israel, repeats of October 7. Who can support a two-state solution when Hamas vows to continue its assault on Israel?
Michael Neustein, Bondi Junction, NSW
Ninety criminal terrorists released for three innocent hostages? Surely it should be the other way around.
Ian Gibson, Kangaroo Point, Qld
Hamas deals out hostages like cards from the pack in its game of psycho-terror poker with Israelis. Such unmitigated evil.
Chris Bellenger, Clovelly, NSW
I add my voice to those of Margaret Taylor and Susan McLochlan (Letters, 20/1). I stand with the Jewish people. The Prime Minister’s lack of conviction and statesmanship following the events on the Sydney Opera House steps on October 9, 2023, is the cause of the outrageous attacks on Jews in this country. Shame on him.
HT Beech, Toowoomba, Qld
The answer Michael Gawenda should have given to a senior executive at one of Australia’s great sandstone universities was: “Do you mean, by a one-state solution, that you are advocating for one Palestinian state to replace Israel and all Israelis? Governed by Hamas, in the same way that the Taliban now rules Afghanistan, with all that this means?” It’s very important for everyone who proposes such questions to understand fully what they are asking for (“Suggesting Israel has forfeited its right to exist is obscene”, 18-19/1).
John Moore, Wangaratta, Vic
Anthony Bergin’s excellent article should be compulsory reading for Anthony Albanese, Penny Wong and the Labor Left (“Transparency must be key in Gaza rebuild”, 20/1). Hopefully they might then absorb, reflect on and even align with the desirable implementation of Bergin’s eminently sensible proposals.
Alan Franklin, St Ives, NSW
The censoring of books is a clear indicator for the pending collapse of a nation-state in its current form (“Censor seeks new ‘cancel culture’ powers”, 20/1). It’s an erasure of history and an admission by those conducting it that they understand the danger of historical cultural context to an autocratic state. It’s a small step then from censorship to book burning, like the infamous one in 1933.
James Hein, Hackney, SA
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