Last Post: Covid, Johannes Leak, contact tracing and Qld
R u ok? We are not ok here in Victoria. Not since Sunday’s roadblock. We supported stage four. But the Premier’s fixation with one set of numbers means he will have to confront devastating numbers down the track: mental health issues, families torn apart, businesses destroyed. A city in ruins.
Roxane Le Guen, Kew East, Vic
From the hellhole that is Victoria, the first thing I do in the morning is go to Johannes Leak’s cartoons. They encapsulate, in the wizardry of his stroke work and colouring, the feeling of Groundhog Day we are experiencing. His details on contact tracing on Thursday were hilarious, even including the entrails of a chicken. Marvellously gifted son of a marvellously gifted father.
C.M. Pickett, Mornington, Vic
No, T.P. Curry (Last Post, 10/9), Wednesday’s Leak marvel wasn’t as good as Thursday’s. Victorian COVID tracers using a sextant, abacus, Melways, spinning wheel, tea leaves, crystal ball, magnifying glass and reading the cards to get their data right before it’s communicated via the tin cans. And all under the benevolent eye of the Chairman. What a ripper.
Robin Southey, Port Fairy, Vic
Johannes Leak outdoes himself on an almost daily basis, but Thursday’s cartoon really took the cake. It’s superb. Bill must be so proud.
Robyn Manoy, Darling Point, NSW
Great cartoonists can deliver a powerful message and make you laugh out loud at the same time. Johannes Leak’s contact tracing cartoon did just that. Each of his hilarious characters made me chuckle. What a wonderful way to start an otherwise dismal news day.
John Lake, Mosman Park, WA
Dan Andrews: a never-ending source of inspiration for Johannes Leak. Savouring every cartoon.
Helen Knight, Wherrol Flat, NSW
I could not believe Premier Palaszczuk would say, “I will not be bullied” in answer to the PM’s appeal for her to change her position on allowing a daughter to attend her father’s funeral (in the end, she was allowed to view his body).
Liz Riordan, Newtown, Vic
Annastacia Palaszczuk mirrors the faux outrage of Julia Gillard with her, “I will not be bullied/lectured by this man”. Manufactured frothing. Shameful.
Stephanie Millar, Cremorne, NSW
Given the call by the Oscars for more diversity in film, I’d expect Peter Jackson to reprise Lord of the Rings and sweep the lot. LOTR has Hobbits, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, Balrogs, Trolls, Ents, Wizards, Ringwraiths, Barrow-wights, Men and the odd Dragon.
Mike Young, Swanbourne, WA