
Last Post: Australia wading into uncharted seas on Israel

So we send someone to oversee another sovereign nation’s internal investigation (“It’s tit for tat on our army probes”, 9/4). Don’t recall any foreign oversight of the investigation into events in Afghanistan or Iraq. Clearly one rule for Australia not extended to others.

Stephen Phillips, Ridgewood, WA

Will special adviser Mark Binskin also be seeking information on the death of another Australian citizen, Galit Carbone? Or for that does he have to ask Hamas?

Ruth Franklin, St Ives, NSW

The Australian aid worker’s death in Gaza is indeed tragic. Come to think of it, there are many teenage suicides in Australia every month and surely each one of these is as tragic as any. Australia would be better served if our government put all these tragedies into perspective. Such tragedies should not be treated politically.

Paul Murray, Mollymook Beach, NSW

Exactly right, Michael Shoebridge and Anthony Bergin (“We have no right to moral high ground”, 9/4). The Australian Defence Force has a history of moving slowly with war crimes investigations. When military accidents occur, a culture of secrecy pervades to restrict external scrutiny of ADF safety practices.

Riley Brown, Bondi Beach, NSW

I find it difficult to understand how to redeem my Qantas frequent flyer points (“Lukewarm landing for Qantas loyalty rewards revamp”, 9/4). Surely it can be simplified?

Ed Turner, Sinnamon Park, Qld

Anthony Albanese has stated that the review into supermarket industry will bring down prices paid by consumers at the check-out (“Frustrated farmers say fines are useless”, 9/4). The Prime Minister should explain to us how consumers will pay less while also ensuring our farmers and dairy producers get paid more.

Brian Barker, Bulimba, Qld

So the same people who were going to deliver cheaper power prices and who are running the NDIS, maintaining our highways and trying to solve the housing crisis think they will sort out supermarket prices? Should work, l suppose.

Murray Horne, Cressy, Vic

We should congratulate the former Japanese ambassador on his article (“Distracted Quad leaders must refocus on bullies in Beijing”, 9/4). It should be on the must-read list of everyone in Canberra, especially the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Penny Wong, but I fear there are no photo opportunities to be had and so it will go unread.

Brian Haigh, Albion, Qld

Read related topics:AfghanistanIsrael

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