Last Post: Andrews, sausage sizzles and US democracy
Watching him read through his magnanimous list of nitpicking new freedoms, I get the strong impression Daniel Andrews really enjoys micromanaging the lives of Victorians. I doubt he’ll ever want to give it up.
Chris Love, Wahroonga, NSW
There is a clear possibility of industrial manslaughter charges against Victorian politicians and public servants who negligently allowed 768 people to die when a deadly virus they were meant to be quarantining was allowed to escape. How long will it be until some of them change from saying “I don’t know” or “I was not part of that decision” to claiming “I was just following orders”. Will the Nuremberg defence become the Spring Street defence?
Mark Scanlan, Hawthorne, Qld
If no one in the Victorian government knows who engaged the NSW private company to oversee their quarantine, why not get the information from the company? They must have correspondence, a contract, money trail and the like.
Armida Poli, Glenside, SA
In Daniel Andrews we have our very own “hand of God”. (With apologies to Maradona).
Peter Armitage, Carlton, Vic
Labor anger at Daniel Andrews’ betrayal in failing to stand by his health minister (“Labor bleeds from the heartland over Mikakos ‘sacrifice’ ”, 28/9) brings to mind the observation that “good leaders take more than their share of the blame and less than their share of the credit”.
Steve Ngeow, Chatswood, NSW
Up to 300 AFL grand final dance “volunteers” will be paid $0 for their performances but will be fed. This year AFL chief Gillon McLachlan will be paid around $1.74m based on 2016 figures, the last released, plus any salary increases minus any sacrifice due to COVID cutbacks Hopefully someone will get him a pie during the grand final.
Dennis Fitzgerald, Box Hill, Vic
Ken Clarke (Last Post, 28/9), I reckon you sanitised that culture thing from your days in the NT public sector.
Rod Searle, Madeley, WA
With regard to the resumption of the Bunnings sausage sizzle, when I inquired why the table and chairs were stacked in the coffee shop at my local Bunnings I was told that all COVID-related decisions emanate from Melbourne. David Crommelin (Letters, 28/9), don’t hold your breath waiting for that snag.
Kim Keogh, East Fremantle, WA
What would Alexis de Tocqueville, author of Democracy in America, think of American politics today?
George Fishman, Vaucluse, NSW