
Generals have betrayed their special forces

As a former member of Special Air Service Regiment’s 2 Squadron I am still struggling with the logic that drove Inspector-General Paul Brereton to reach the recommendations that stripping the Unit Meritorious Citation from all special forces soldiers and striking 2 SAS Squadron from the Army’s “Order of Battle” was a good idea. What makes it worse is the generals all supported such recommendations.

Perhaps the modern-day leadership is profoundly capable of social engineering because its understanding of commanding soldiers and leading by example is sorely lacking. Punishing everyone to reach the few was the norm in ancient Roman and Greek armies but has no place in a modern and capable military force.

What we are witnessing now is the generals punishing their soldiers for the long-term poor leadership they exhibited during the Afghan campaign and in the process creating a smokescreen for their own protection.

The 2 SAS Squadron has a rich history of being manned by fine soldiers and led by exceptional officers who together achieved remarkable results over the many decades of its existence. The destruction of that organisation with the stroke of a pen is petty vindictiveness and reflects emotion over rational leadership. However, in doing so history will not be kind to the likes of generals Angus Campbell, Paul Brereton and Rick Burr, as well as Defence Minister Linda Reynolds, whose tin-ears to public opinion is notable.

Tom Moylan, Melbourne, Vic

At 76 years of age I have been a lifelong Liberal voter, but Scott Morrison lost me the minute he described what are mere allegations against our SAS as “brutal truths”. He then went on, unbelievably, to apologise to Afghanistan. This is a shameful presumption of guilt before innocence. Now it is reported that back in July, the Prime Minister asked the Queen to sign off on a change to unit citations regulations to allow the Governor-General to remove medals on the recommendation of the Defence Minister or the Chief of the Defence Force. Previously that could only be done by the Governor-General. Shameful, and what an insult to our serving men and women, past and present. The knives were out way back in July.

Too many apologists (including ScoMo) are quick to open their mouths before making certain of the facts by correct judicial process. He may have had his faults, but I cannot for the life of me imagine that Tony Abbott would have publicly condemned our SAS as a whole, based on unproven allegations against a few.

The public needs to keep complaining long and loud about this scandal and reassure our serving men and women that they have our full support and gratitude.

Kay Fellinga, Mudgeeraba, Qld

I write to say how impressed I was with retired brigadier Peter Clay and his letter (8/12) regarding our SAS troops in Afghanistan and the accusations they are facing. The people in these war zones are the only ones who know how terrible it is — that your life could end in an instant, far from home and family. Yes, we can be armchair judges, but let’s not be too hasty in putting our country’s protectors down.

Dennis Winn, Clifton Beach, Qld

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