
Dutton blast reflects dangers of Labor’s energy strategy

Dutton blast reflects dangers of Labor’s energy strategy

Well done to Opposition Leader Peter Dutton for laying bare the enormous risks to the nation posed by Labor’s “renewable zealotry” (”Dutton gas blast sparks war”, 18/5). Dutton warns that Labor is “doing everything possible to shut down coal and frustrate the gas sector”. He’s right. Just take a look at the Albanese government’s interventionist tactics: gas price caps, reduced funding for gas exploration and projects, its mandatory code of conduct, higher taxes on gas companies, increasing industrial relations laws and its toughened safeguard mechanism – all of which are designed to kick coal and gas out for renewables to dominate the nation’s energy system. Dutton has put us on red alert to Labor’s renewable energy policies that will see businesses close their doors. We’ve been warned.

Dale Ellis, Innisfail, Qld

As Geoff Chambers and Jess Malcolm write, political interventions in the gas industry have hindered its development and created a crisis. The states of NSW and Victoria have imposed bans and moratoriums on gas exploration, while the federal government has implemented controls on gas prices and supply. These interventions have prevented the development of local gas resources in the largest gas-consuming regions, NSW and Victoria. Reversing these policies is crucial to avoid economic hardships.

Don McMillan, Brookfield, Qld

There is still a tangible ignorance among too many within the public, and in some instances the media, of the amount of energy required to run a healthy, modern economy. Among other commendable commonsense initiatives, if Peter Dutton’s overall intention is to drive Australia’s energy prices back to being some of the cheapest in the world, he will have done more for Australia’s economy, her peoples and, ultimately, her sovereign security than many politicians in the past couple of decades.

Peter M. Wargent, Mosman, NSW

The road to irrelevance is paved with neoliberal platitudes based on the self-serving belief that the market is the answer. It is a road that leads to financial ruin that the Coalition has been hurting upon since the last election. The Coalition ensured that wages tanked, that homelessness soared, that housing stopped being a human need and became a monetising tool for the well-off. Not to mention the generational wealth gap that shifted growing burdens on the young via HECS debts, the gig economy and the housing crisis. With the country alternating between catastrophic floods and unprecedented firestorms, induced by climate change, Dutton wants to let the market rip and let fossil fuels expedite this crisis. Is this what Australia wants?

Jon Jovanovic, Lenah Valley, Tas

Productivity poser

Respected voices of the Productivity Commission such as its former and current leaders, plus a number of eminent economists, have highlighted the most evident drag on economic recovery is the stubbornly slow improvement in national productivity. This was apparently barely worth a mention to Dr Chalmers when delivering the budget (“Productivity ‘best way to grow pie’ ”, 18/5). Not surprising when the unions mistakenly view increased productivity as requiring fewer employees to achieve the same result. The proven reality is that a fewer number producing more results requires more employees and the ability of employers to provide better conditions. Two points should be made clear to all: the continuation of declining productivity puts the survival of many employers at risk of their businesses failing and, correspondingly, improved productivity simply grows a bigger pie with a bigger slice for all.

Michael Saul, Scarborough, Qld

The unemployment rate is hovering around 3.7 per cent and Labor is happy. That means more than 500,000 people are jobless. With the slowing down of coalmining thanks to the Labor government there will surely be further job losses, lower incomes, and energy costs will likely rise even further. So will taxes for the lower and middle classes.

Hans Sander, Gordon, ACT

Rugby priorities

Rugby Australia came out with a statement supporting the Yes vote for the voice referendum but has simultaneously said that it is not giving “advice”. Reading the press release, I’m not sure what the statement is, if not advice. Is the sentiment of taking “every opportunity to close the gap which still separates so many of us” not advice? It goes on to say: “It comes down to a principle ordinary Australians apply, every day, in every aspect of their lives. A level playing field.” A level playing field implies everyone is treated equally. Indigenous people in this country deserve support and recognition but the voice is not the way. Perhaps Rugby Australia should concentrate on producing a competitive team for the Rugby World Cup.

Paul Harris, Mosman, NSW

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