
Democrat power will test the President’s grip on reality

When a political party gains control of both houses of government, the politicians usually lose all sense of reality (“Biden must resist left’s push for progressive change”, 21/1). It is not just a risk for the Biden/Harris/Pelosi Democratic Party. It is also a feature of Conservative political parties. Remember John Howard’s WorkChoices when the Coalition had control of the Senate?

Unfortunately, near unfettered power in government is a powerful aphrodisiac, for politicians cannot control their urge to move their nation from the centre to the left, or to the right.

Riley Brown, Bondi Beach, NSW

CNN reporting Democrats claiming Trump voters are terrorists and need to be deprogrammed should make it clear the fight the Republicans have to maintain a future.

Never in my life have I witnessed such a display of utter hypocrisy as shown in the inauguration of Biden and Harris (“The words a divided US wanted and needed to hear”, 21/1).

With hands on hearts they stand there giving their sanctimonious pledges to heal the divisions of American society which they have so assiduously fomented in the last four years.

John Smith, Buderim, Qld

While supporters of former president Donald Trump are calling for unity and peace, their leader proved he was a vindictive narcissist to the end. His failure to attend the inauguration was predictable, but his refusal to provide an air force flight to bring Biden to Washington really displays Trump’s true colours.

Pete Smith, Heathcote, Vic

The days when the Republicans could be “perfect gentlemen” are over. Not only is the term outlawed by the woke crowd, but it is not appropriate for today’s political scene.

The party needs reform, starting with Mitch McConnell stepping down as leader of the Republicans in the Senate. It is time to hand over to a more forceful member.

The risk for the Republicans is that the Democrats will enact changes to permanently enforce their majority in government, and the communications industries will maintain censorship over any adverse criticism of Democrats. The only way forward for Republicans is to jettison their old fashioned gentlemanly behaviour and adopt Trumpism.

R Watson, Sunnybank Hills, Qld

Where was all of the Trump-inspired violence, rioting and sedition that the Democrats promised us would accompany Biden’s inauguration? I must have blinked and missed it.

Andrew W H Lake, Edwardstown, SA

In a desperate and misguided attempt to attain some sort of relevance for his party, Anthony Albanese has slammed Scott Morrison’s “cosy” relationship with former president Trump (“Morrison defends Trump bromance”, 21/1).

This, despite the fact that we have always shared a close relationship with whoever is President of the US, a relationship which is to our mutual benefit, culturally and financially.

Albanese has already embarrassed his party by insisting Morrison should phone the president and interfere in American politics.

Mary-Anne Higgins, Rose Park, SA

With Biden now undoing everything Trump did, like opening the borders to majority Muslim countries (“President signs executive orders on climate, immigration”, 21/1), how soon before he closes the US embassy in Jerusalem?

Ivan Cope, Brisbane, Qld

All the Uyghurs and Falun Gong practitioners I know who have lost their friends and relatives in Chinese Communist camps support Donald Trump. What does that tell you about Biden?

Bob Vinnicombe, Sefton, NSW

I`m stunned by the number of pro-war hawks in President Biden’s cabal. The world is in for a good deal of trouble.

Norman Broomhall, Port Macquarie, NSW

Love him or hate him, there are two things about Donald Trump that should be remembered — he was willing to talk to anyone, as his dealings with North Korea and Israel testified, and he kept his promises. And that’s all bad? Or is it just that we don’t expect these things from politicians?

Rosemary F C Steineck, Manning, WA

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