
Dark day for households, business as Liddell powers down

With the closing of Liddell power station and other closures pending, we might as well cut back on our defence budget.

Despite the courageous words of our Energy Minister Chris Bowen that there will be no power shortages – he who believes that climate can be controlled by legislation – the words of an old, sad song resonate: “Hello darkness my old friend.” Vale Liddell, and may those you have served so well never forget you.

John McRobert, Indooroopilly, Qld

I still remember the sense of pride in the 1970s driving past the Liddell power station on the way to Sydney. It was quite an occasion for we “bushies” to come across it as we travelled to the city. Where it’s all going now is anyone’s guess as the political lobbyists grease their way round the corridors of parliament.

John Bain, South Bunbury, WA

Liddell power plant’s closure is bad news for Australians. AEMO predicts that NSW will fail the energy production reliability standard in 2027-28. Indeed, this will be a reality across the country if we keep making the electricity grid more weather dependent. We need to add stable energy generators to address the baseline energy demand. Otherwise, energy price volatility will add to the inflation woes for the average Australian household.

On one hand, our ­policies are increasing the energy demands on the grid due to more electric cars. On the other, we keep making the grid less stable and devoid of various power sources. Are we really making a better Australia, or just following fashionable trends to appear so?

Foad Munir, Newstead, Qld

No doubt federal Energy Minister Chris Bowen will be rapt with the data released by the Australian Energy Market Operator, which shows renewables are driving down wholesale electricity prices (“Rooftop solar and caps drive down wholesale power prices”, 28/4). We can have all the cheap power in the world, but if we’re not certain of the security of its supply then it’s useless.

We need to ensure we’re provided with the secure, stable and reliable power needed for our country to function. If we think Bowen has any interest in arresting this alarming development, we should think again. He isn’t called Blackout Bowen for ­nothing.

Dale Ellis, Innisfail, Qld

I wonder if the analysts and ­strategists whose core aim is the defence of our country are noting the ­advice of other experts in the energy, power supply and fuel ­industries, who continue to warn of shortage if governments continue to shut down energy infrastructure in the name of the environment.

What is the point in having fleets of tanks and armoured vehicles along with ships that all run on diesel and petrol when our reserves of fuel will last only for weeks?

In times of crisis, when our country is under threat, adequate power is needed to prioritise our safety. An outage could be catastrophic.

Chris Blanch, Spring Hill, Qld

Renewables are not cheap and never will be. It is simply not possible. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that mining massive quantities of ores and elements and shipping it to China, along with our coal and gas, will not end well. These are good for 15 or 20 years before time takes its toll and they are retired to toxic landfill.

Predictions of humanity’s demise by the end of this century are just baseless predictions, despite the credentials of the predictor. If governments thought sea level rise was a threat, they would not promote building developments close to current sea level – and as far as I know there’s no recommendation we should all head for the hills.

People are entitled to their personal fears but we should not be forced to join the panic.

Peter Robinson, Palm Cove, Qld

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