
Daniel Andrews’ adulation part of a wider, worrying political trend

Interstaters must be puzzled by the Victorian election result (“It’s Danslide II as Andrews vows to serve full term”, 28/11).

While the Liberal Party has some serious soul-searching to do, Labor’s success at the ballot box can be traced back to its win in 2014; it then embarked on an all-conquering process of presence and presents. Labor dominates the media and has omnipresent political connectivity through the Premier’s social media activities.

Then there are the policies (as well as the treats and temptations for voters): cash for visiting a power comparison site; cultural and ethnic grants; free TAFE courses and kindergarten; hygiene products for women; and the resurrection of the State Electricity Commission while failing to mention that this Labor government privatised the Port of Melbourne in 2016. There’s even money for technical schools shut down by Labor governments in the 1980s (and so on). Then there’s the flawed Suburban Rail Loop endorsed by a key union as providing “intergenerational job security”.

Questions about ethical behaviour? Respond with spin, deflection, virtue signalling and more “strong” leadership. This is instant political gratification. Victorians voted to party, party, party.

As for the stench from the piles of mounting debt and ongoing investigations, future generations will be lumbered with the former, and perhaps it’s apt to quote Chairman Mao for the latter: let a hundred flowers bloom.

Glenn Marchant, Pascoe Vale, Vic

John Cain won his third Victorian state election in 1988. The economy was built on state debt and high public service employment. I remember a punter ringing talkback radio and saying he didn’t know one person who voted Liberal and he thought the party was an irrelevant joke. By 1992, Cain was sacked by his own party and Jeff Kennett was in power for the Liberal Coalition.

To progressives, Victoria is the ideal economy. To economic rationalists, it looks like a house of cards.

Murray Horne, Cressy, Vic

US commentator HL Mencken is always good for a quotable quote, this time in relation to the Victorian election. His observation was that “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard” – but even given all the faults and far-left predilections of Daniel Andrews, a gaggle of Liberal empty suits led by Matthew Guy was never a viable option.

Jim Ball, Narrabeen, NSW

It seems that with Kew and Hawthorn skewing back to the Liberals, maybe, just maybe, voters are beginning to see the light that elitist, rich teals are a waste of space (“Boost for Frydenberg’s Canberra comeback”, 28/11).

Iain Rae, Palmwoods, Qld

Dale Ellis from far north Queensland (Letters, 28/11) could be forgiven for not having a good grasp of Victorian politics. However, if he had followed the election campaign he would know that, far from being “so scared” to differentiate themselves from Labor, Matthew Guy promised to “turbocharge gas exploration”. This was an empty slogan, as there is not much gas around. It also ignores the fact that the majority of Victorians are aware of the need to get off gas. Even the Grattan Institute described Guy’s gas talk as “bordering on silly”. It is not courage the Coalition lacks so much as an educated commitment to the transition to renewables.

Fiona Colin, Malvern East, Vic

Most letter writers (28/11) suggest the Liberal failure in the Victorian election stemmed from the party’s failure to stand up to what they describe as climate catastrophists and those who support a cautious approach during pandemics.

The reality is that more and more people are voting for parties or independents with strong climate policies. Even in traditional Liberal seats such as Hawthorn, the teal candidate nearly pipped the popular John Pesutto at the post.

Victor Hugo once said: “You can fight an army but not an idea whose time has come.” The Liberals will gain nothing by reverting to supporting climate sceptics and those who want freedom at all costs. What they need are charismatic members and leaders who can convince the public that they have the talent to govern the state in the best interests of all.

Graeme Lechte, Brunswick West, Vic

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