‘I’ve never known so much anger towards any government in this country’
Welcome to the column where you provide the content. Greg Sheridan pulled no punches when he suggested Victoria’s catastrophic quarantine mismanagement amounted to the most damaging state government failure in modern Australian history, and pointed to a collapse of democracy down in Danistan. Ken concurred:
“I’m in Melbourne and I’ve never known so much anger towards any government in this country. I’m not talking about people in my particular bubble either. Shopkeepers, people standing in supermarket queues, are talking. And they are livid. What’s more, I’ve been gladdened to hear, they know exactly why Andrews and his government needs to be thrown out. What they don’t understand is why they can’t do it now.”
Mmm, said MGF:
“That is true. When I was paying for my petrol yesterday the woman behind the counter and another older woman were both livid at what the Andrews government has done. Ordinary people are finally waking up.”
Warren explained:
“The ACTU/unions have a strangle hold on industry super funds, credit unions and two banks and the investment/financial systems. They work within the capitalist and political systems to their end gain. Most, if not all have their head offices in Melbourne. It’s likened to a socialist cesspool.”
Lynne H had the answer:
“The Victorian Opposition needs to hire Tony Abbot as a consultant.”
Common Sense queried:
“Victoria has an Opposition Party? Where? Who? What? How? When?”
Robert was resigned:
“The problem is these people get livid now, but when it comes down to it, in the ballot box they will vote for some extra freebies from Labor. Was it Keating or Kerrie Packer said something like ‘always back a horse called self interest. At least you know its always trying’.”
Noddy’s news:
“Look at how Chairman Dan and Bill Shorten ascended to their leadership roles. Apparently it was solely based on mastery of their party’s internal mechanisms and fiefdoms. The attributes and skills that got them to the top — internal politicking, scheming, intimidation and headkicking. What we have on display now is someone who excels in these areas and has zero real word job experience.
“You can see it in the tone at Andrews press conferences, it’s mostly hidden but it’s there. He’s like the schoolyard bully who finds himself lost at sea alone in a storm. He’s got no idea what to do and nobody left to threaten or try to intimidate.”
Hush said Judy:
“Quiet Victorians have always known how the Andrews government works. Our anger and frustration begins with the fact that it will be almost impossible to elect an alternative, especially as Victorian media outlets give very little exposure to any conservative party or platform.
“So many interstaters wonder why Victorians vote for Daniel Andrews. The answer is that either directly or indirectly the state pays the wages of over 325,000 public servants, metropolitan fire brigade, education, nursing and ambulance services, and police. They receive ever greater wage rises to ensure their future votes, are always demanding more, and know they will get it from this government. Then we have the CFMMEU and AWU who work on most major construction sites, many of which are badly managed and have huge cost blowouts.
“It all began with a lie (that there would be no $1 billion plus payout for the cancellation of the construction of the east-west tunnel to bypass Melbourne) and the lies have continued. It is truly frightening to think that this situation could remain for many years.”
Janice noted:
“I agree that the left media in Victoria don’t give O’Brien and the Liberals exposure. I was at a meeting where I heard him say they ring all news services every day about their press conferences and they don’t turn up. Then every day I see people say ‘who is the Liberal leader, we never see him’.”
Prophet of Boom’s forecast:
“A wider issue which we must confront is that Victoria is where all our politics are heading with the profound lurch Leftwards. Its how rampant Leftism looks like with its silencing of questions and critics (remember ridiculous security charges for speakers with the ‘wrong politics’), with its incompetent management (latest with COVID and financially, VIC with accelerating debt is heading the way of Cain-Kirner) and cosying up to those whose interests aren’t ours (BRI).”
Polls, said NP:
“Victorians will have to decide if all this extra pain which should not have occurred is excusable. Melburnians are largely converted left-wing believers so much of what is written in this article may not resonate with them. I agree with Greg Sheridan’s article but the next poll figures will show exactly where Victorians stand on this matter. My guess is for now Melburnians will overlook Dan Andrew’s handling and refusal to answer questions. Dan’s polling figures was still 72pc at the previous poll. That was before a lockdown was announced. Curious to see now what the new polling figures will be.”
Julie’s take:
“My family lives in Melbourne, after living in Qld, and they can’t believe the PC leftist attitudes to everything, from food to politics. These Melbournites LOVE the authoritarianism of Teflon Dan, and he will never be questioned.”
Egregious said Eliza:
“Andrews has unpacked more hardship on Victoria due to his own mismanagement of the hotel scandal and inhuman treatment of the housing commission towers without proper planning. Before you go and lockdown 3000 people, wouldn’t you have a plan in place? “Wouldn’t you contact Coles or Foodbank and ensure they have the ability to co-ordinate 3000 meals at short notice? Wouldn’t you have a plan in place as to how to distribute meals to tower residents in lockdown? Wouldn’t you brainstorm potential questions people may ask in relation to a lockdown so you can provide answers and brief the police as to the potential queries so they can respond to the residents?
“Andrews has shown time and time again that he doesn’t believe in planning or consulting and consequently, the public is been led by a blind leader during a time of crisis.”
Craig concluded:
“Victoria may not be a tyranny and Andrews may not be a dictator, but he is disturbingly revelling in his position of power. Saying things like ‘ … that is not acceptable to ME’ and ‘I cannot do this on MY own’ paint the picture of someone suffering delusions of grandeur.”
The Mocker made mileage out of a handwritten note thrown from Melbourne’s locked down towers that just happened to float to the feet of the very man in was addressed to: Greens leader Adam Bandt. Twitter was sceptical, and so were our readers. Laurie laughed:
“So someone surprisingly literate in the tower block saw Brand down below, just happened to know who he was and, after studying the wind trajectory, just happened to launch the note that just happened to land in Brand’s hand: pull the other one!”
Risky, said Kong Pin:
“Adam Bandt just picked up a piece of rubbish on the floor with his bare hands outside a building with suspected coronavirus outbreak. Definitely a smart move.”
Ghengis giggled:
“Bandt … makes Albo look like a Rhodes Scholar.”
Mathew was happy:
“That article was easily worth 12 months’ subscription at the least! Loved it!”
Sobering from Steve:
“The current crisis has proved one thing: people have no time for stunts. They are too focused on their jobs, how to feed their families, how to pay the mortgage/rent, their ageing parents’ health, their children’s education. Grow up Adam. This is not a game, it’s for real.”
Les said:
“With informal at the Eden Monaro by election getting more votes that the Greens I suspect that they are in deep trouble. Very few watch or now believe in the pronouncements from the ABC or from the Greens. Time for the Green cultist group to be abandoned by all sensible people and left to the fringe dwellers.”
Jan noted:
“In one episode Mr Bean wrote a birthday card to himself. Very funny. Prophet?”
From John:
“Loved the note referencing the BLM protests. I note that the ABC has been studiously avoiding mentioning the possible connection between the BLM protests and the second wave. And of course FitzSimons and Waleed Aly have determined that it wasn’t a factor and any suggestion to the contrary is right wing mischief making.”
Colin A’s advice:
“Maybe The Australian could provide a crayon text option for their comments section so Adam Bandt will pay more attention to what the broader community has to say?”
Karl Rove launched into print to urge the Republicans to make Democrats pay for Joe Biden’s failings. Janew offered a helpful list:
“Top 12 reasons why Joe Biden will not win:
Hillary testimony 9th September 2020
Nancy Pelosi
Hunter Biden travel
Crime Bill
You aren’t black statement
Mental capacity
Radical Left nutters influenced by Bernie Sanders
Defund the police campaign
BLM leader who said that they will burn America down.
Candace Owens factor
Kanye West influence
Trump win. The silent majority will rise. God bless America.”
Paul wasn’t having it:
“I’m thinking if America can elect a self proclaimed successful businessman (alas six times bankrupted), a man who aides tell us relies on McDonalds for daily sustenance, a man who said he believes Putin over US Intelligence services, and a man recorded as a golf cheat (for golfers the lowest of the low), then surely they could elect a man like Biden.”
MAGA, said Andrew;
“President Trump will be returned with 330+ in the electoral college. His brilliant speech at Mt Rushmore has drawn the battle lines. In the end the American population will vote for a man who’s proud of his country and its citizens and not those who would tear it down.”
Leigh weighed in:
“Can never doubt Karl Rove’s talent and knowledge in such matters. The Republicans will never have the left wing media love in onside. The Republicans at least have a gigantic machine called President Donald Trump who certainly gets on the front foot.
“The Republicans simply need to appeal to Middle America that it continues to care about their jobs, their well being, their health, their history, their families, their normal way of living. They simply cannot allow the left to sleep walk into power.”
Toby’s two cents:
“(Biden) is a deeply uninspiring speaker, too old and white to get the young democrat voter base out and frankly he is a little past it. To be fair I think he’d have made a good president about 20 years ago.”
Last word to Kris:
“The first debate should sort it out. Biden won’t remember what city he is in or most of his talking points once Trump winds him up. He destroyed a plethora of able minded republicans across 6 months of campaigning and will make mincemeat of bunker Biden.”
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