More lessons in political correctness
YESTERDAY’S lesson: when you can say ‘bitch’. Today: when you can call a journalist a ‘skanky ho’.
YESTERDAY’S lesson: when you can say ‘bitch’. Today: when you can call a journalist a ‘skanky ho’.
DID all these people getting angry about slogans get upset about Paul Keating?
THE Left is never offended by its own off-colour language — only when it comes from the Right.
Julia Gillard takes up the cause of co-operative federalism with her new best friend from Sydney.
THE only thing certain about a prediction by Bob Ellis is that he’ll find a way to blame Rupert Murdoch
Margaret Simons, live from the Grassy Knoll in Crikey on Thursday:
THE answer to your question is a small but extremely difficult to ascertain number.
ONE ABC host’s rare exhibition of balance just looks very much like the same old groupthink.
The PM has changed her mind about a lot since her Socialist Forum days but not about doing a deal.
What’s the true blue spirit of Aussie Rules? Progressive, respectful and politically correct
ABC1’s Lateline on Thursday:
IT wasn’t a tax, then it was, but Julia Gillard continues her crusade to save the planet with her scheme.
SOME things never change, such as the standard excuse for being sidelined in politics.
THE PM gets a lecture on how the green left collective at the ABC would conduct diplomacy.
THERE’s nothing like the prospect of Armageddon to cheer up the Fairfax and ABC catastrophists.
KRISTINA Keneally yesterday:
AS the polls head south, the inquest begins, and Richo blames the press (present company excepted).
MEDIA fans of the Greens are blissfully unaware of how out of touch they are with the mainstream.
THE Greens favour apocalyptic fearmongering, but have they cried wolf too often?
This is what passes for progressive thought.
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