Obama and the royal wedding
WITH the bride just about in sight, we were almost out of time. Then a coiffed QC saved the day.
WITH the bride just about in sight, we were almost out of time. Then a coiffed QC saved the day.
GUY Rundle is on his high horse again, but he may just have the saddle pointing the wrong way.
IT’S gonna be great for the mining sector. It’s gonna be wonderful! (Unless you compare it with last time.)
IT’S a case of Labor temporary visas good, Coalition temporary protection visas bad (any similarities to Howard or Ruddock are coincidental.)
BUT then, it might appeal to the masses. Pox populi, or why Elizabeth Farrelly thinks democracy mustn’t be left in the hands of the people.
PLEASE don’t ever sack Simon Overland; life would be terribly dull without Cut & Paste’s favourite police commissioner.
WHERE’S the boom when you need it for a federal budget?
THE PM takes advice from our columnist about how to get the most out of the fiscal speculation season.
OVER at Fairfax, columnist Peter Hartcher does his best to drum up a self-fulfilling prophecy
JULIA Gillard enlists an ally on ABC Radio National on Thursday.
WHEN Julia Gillard recalls her pre-election pledge, why does she leave out the best bits?
A FORMER columnist for The Age shows that being born without a civil tongue is no handicap.
SHADES of grey were missing in Aunty’s report about a complex issue.
Seems like natural climate change, but not mankind, has killed off the mega-beasties.
BUT when the going gets really tough, the tough stop talking to each even over dinner
The Australian on Thursday:
EXCEPT the stuff about refugee hugging. NSW Labor’s new leader – a man of the people or an inner city Green activist? You be the judge.
KEVIN Rudd shares a few secrets with a national television audience.
WHO do you blame when things are going badly for your side of politics? Why, The Australian
IF you thought Bob Brown was angry, you should have heard Radio National’s Fran Kelly
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/cutandpaste/page/123