You’re all garbage dragging the nation backwards, but why can’t we all just get along?
Food for thought. Commentator Jane Caro on Twitter last Thursday:
Well, I am almost 62 and I can’t imagine preferring Scott Morrison for any reason, over anyone, at any time.
Caro on Twitter on Friday:
The choice is really quite simple tomorrow. Are you going to vote for the future, or to support the increasingly shrill & ultimately futile efforts to return to the past?
Election night at last! Caro on Twitter on Saturday:
I wish I was a New Zealander.
In vino veritas. Caro really slipping into election-analysis mode on Twitter on Saturday night, making us wish she’d been on a TV panel:
Well, Australia may be f..ked and the whole planet not far behind but I am at the best, most brilliant and cool wedding I have ever been too (sic). So I shall just dance & get pissed & stick two rude fingers up to the truculent turds who voted to turn backwards.
Queasy like a Sunday morning. Caro on Twitter the day after:
I feel sick too, but am OK. We will soldier on.
Caro on Twitter, also on Sunday:
So much fun to wake to messages telling me that I am an absolute bitch who should leave the country. I guess this is Australia right now. Like so many others, I despair. Trump, Brexit, Scomo — while the planet disintegrates.
And now for something completely different. Caro pleading for civility in The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday:
The problem is, and I can be as guilty of this as the next person, particularly when emotions are high and inhibitions (thanks, wine) are low, many of us can now be openly hostile to one another, thanks in large part to social media.
No, really! Caro ploughs on:
I wish our Prime Minister well, even though I disagree with him on most things, but I also ask him and all our future leaders to lead by demonstrating how we can still disagree vigorously, but with civility and generosity of spirit. I am going to try to take my own advice, by the way. The future of our country demands it.
Full points to Caro for her simile work, though:
We’d had the most fabulous night … The drinks flowed like wine, we danced our feet off and the love and happiness was palpable.
The union that represents journalists misconstruing the role of its members. Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance on Twitter yesterday:
Angry at the result of Saturday’s election? Join your union. Our strength comes from working together, even in moments of adversity. YOU are our strength and together we will overcome any challenge we meet in the next three years.
Guardian Australia’s Gay Alcorn replies:
I am a union member but I do not agree with this. It is not our job to be “angry” or “happy” at the result of an election.
As does ABC’s Michael Rowland:
I agree, Gay. This is really silly.
Guardian Australia last Friday:
The Guardian has updated its style guide to introduce terms that more accurately describe the environmental crises facing the world. Instead of “climate change” the preferred terms are “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown” and “global heating” is favoured over “global warming”, although the original terms are not banned.