Trump’s last laugh at critics’ expense
This time one year ago, the assumption dominating political coverage was that the only people more stupid than Donald Trump were the deplorables who elected him.
Since then, of course, President-elect Trump has become President Trump. Over his 11 months in office, he has put Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court and four times as many judges on the appellate courts as Barack Obama did his first year; recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel; withdrawn from the Paris climate accord; adopted a more resolute policy on Afghanistan than the one he’d campaigned on; rolled back the mandate forcing Catholic nuns, among others, to provide employees with contraception and abortifacients; signed legislation to open up drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; initiated a bold, deregulatory assault on the administrative state — and topped it all off with the first major overhaul of the tax code in more than 30 years.
And yet that Mr Trump is a very stupid man remains the assumption dominating his press coverage.
Let this columnist confess: He did not see Mr Trump’s achievements coming, at least at first. In the worst sense, populism means pandering to public appetites at the expense of sound policy. Too often populists who get themselves elected find either that they cannot implement what they promised, or that when they do, there are disastrous and unexpected consequences.
Add to this the sorry experience America had recently had with men, also outside conventional politics, who ran successfully for governorships: former pro wrestler and Navy SEAL Jesse Ventura in Minnesota and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger in California. Their respective administrations each began with high enthusiasm but ended in defeat and disillusionment. What would make anyone think Mr Trump would do better?
Start with Mr Ventura. His populism, like Mr Trump’s, featured open ridicule of the press. At one point he issued press cards listing them as “official jackals”. Also like Mr Trump, he was treated as simple-minded because he was not a professional pol. When David Letterman listed his top 10 campaign slogans for Mr Ventura, No. 1 was “it’s the stupidity, stupid.”
In his first year Mr Ventura’s approval rating soared to 73 per cent, and while in office he did manage to push through tax rebates and a property-tax reform. By his last year, however, his vetoes were regularly overridden, spending had shot up, and the magic was gone. In the end, he decided against seeking a second term.
Next came Mr Schwarzenegger, who in 2003 announced his run for governor on The Tonight Show. Mr Schwarzenegger’s pitch was essentially Mr Trump’s: The state’s politics had been so corrupted by the political class that Californians needed a strongman from the outside to shake it up.
The Governator did succeed in getting himself re-elected three years later, which is more than Mr Ventura did. In the end, however, he was defeated by those he’d denounced as the “girlie men” of Sacramento, and his package of reforms went nowhere. The man who entered office promising to cut spending and revive the state’s economy ended up signing a huge tax increase, while debt nearly tripled under his watch.
Now we have President Trump. In one sense he is not unique: Almost all GOP presidents are stereotyped as not very bright. Ask Ike, or George W. Bush, or even Lincoln. Nor is it uncommon, in the headiness of a White House, for even the lowliest staffer to come to regard himself as the intellectual superior of the president he works for.
In Mr Trump’s case, critics equate lowbrow tastes (e.g., well-done steaks covered in ketchup) as confirmation of a lack of brainpower. It can make for great sport. But starting out with the assumption that the president you are covering is a boob can prove debilitating to clear judgment.
Quick show of hands: How many of those in the press who continue to dismiss Mr Trump as stupid publicly asserted he could never win the 2016 election — or would never get anyone decent to work for him in the unlikely miracle he did get elected?
The Trump presidency may still go poof for any number of reasons — if the promised economic growth doesn’t materialise, if the public concludes that his inability to ignore slights on Twitter is getting the best of his presidency, or if Democrats manage to leverage his low approval ratings and polarising personality into a recapture of the House and Senate this coming November. And yes, it’s possible to regard Mr Trump’s presidency as not worth the price.
But stupid? Perhaps the best advice for anti-Trumpers comes from one of their own, a Vermont Democrat named Jason Lorber. Way back in April, in an article for the Burlington Free Press, the retired state politician wrote that “while it may be good for a chuckle, calling or even thinking someone else stupid is virtually guaranteed to give them the last laugh.”
Is that not what Mr Trump is now enjoying at the close of his first year?
The Wall Street Journal