Trading Day: ASX lifts as travel stocks bounce back
Travel stocks rebounded as the ASX booked a modest rise on Friday.
Welcome to the Trading Day blog for Friday, 7 May 2021. Travel stocks rebounded as the ASX booked a modest rise on Friday. The S&P/ASX200 lifted 0.27 per cent to 7080.8 after being up as much as 0.56 per cent earlier in the day, while the broader all ordinaries lifted 0.26 per cent, or 19.2 points, to finish the week at 7325.2.
Travel stocks rebounded as the ASX booked a modest rise on Friday. Travel stocks Webjet and Flight Centre both put on more than 7 per cent on the day, buoyed by better virus news coming out of Sydney. Corporate Travel management also gained 6.31 per cent to finish at $17.86.