
How worried should we be about AI’s threat to the human race?

Governments are trying to decide how to maximise the benefits and minimise the downsides of a technology widely seen as potentially world-changing.

Meetings are due to discuss AI topics including ‘doomsday scenarios’.
Meetings are due to discuss AI topics including ‘doomsday scenarios’.

Artificial-intelligence pioneers are fighting over which of the technology’s dangers is the scariest. One camp, which includes some of the top executives building advanced AI systems, argues its creations could lead to catastrophe. In the other camp are scientists who say concern should focus primarily on how AI is being implemented right now and how it could cause harm in our daily lives.

Dario Amodei, leader of AI developer Anthropic, is in the group warning about existential danger. He testified before US congress in July that AI could pose such a risk to humankind.

Sam Altman, head of ChatGPT maker OpenAI, has toured the world this year saying, among other things, that AI could one day cause serious harm or worse. And Elon Musk said in May that “AI has a non-zero chance of annihilating humanity” – shortly before launching his own AI company.

Next week Altman, Musk and other top AI executives are expected to attend the first in a series of closed-door meetings about AI convened by US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to consider topics including “doomsday scenarios”.

The other camp of AI scientists calls those warnings a science fiction-fuelled distraction – or even a perverse marketing ploy.

They say AI companies and regulators should focus their limited resources on the technology’s existing and imminent threats, such as tools that help produce potent misinformation about elections or systems that amplify the impact of human biases.

The dispute is intensifying as companies and governments worldwide are trying to decide where to focus resources and attention in ways that maximise the benefits and minimise the downsides of a technology widely seen as potentially world-changing.

“It’s a very real and growing dichotomy,” says Nicolas Miailhe, co-founder of the Future Society, a think tank that works on AI governance and is working to bridge the divide. “It’s the end of the month versus the end of the world.”

For all the attention it has been getting, serious public discussion of AI’s existential risk – or x-risk, as those most worried about it like to call it – until recently remained confined to a fringe of philosophers and AI researchers.

That changed after OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT late last year and subsequent improvements that have delivered humanlike responses, igniting warnings such systems could gain superhuman intelligence. Prominent researchers including Geoffrey Hinton, considered one of the godfathers of AI, have contended it contains a glimmer of humanlike reasoning. Hinton left his role at Alphabet’s Google this year to discuss more freely AI’s risks.

With existential risk warnings, “there’s been a taboo that you’ll be mocked and treated like a crazy person and it will affect your job prospects”, says David Krueger, a machine learning professor at the University of Cambridge. Krueger helped organise a statement in May saying extinction risk from AI was on par with the dangers of pandemics and nuclear war. It was signed by hundreds of AI experts, including top officials and researchers at Google, OpenAI and Anthropic. “I wanted researchers to know that they’re in good company,” Krueger says.

Some in the field argue there is a paradoxical upside for AI companies to emphasise the x-risk of the systems because it conveys a sense that their technology is extraordinarily sophisticated.

“It’s obvious that these guys benefit from the hype still being fuelled,” says Daniel Schoenberger, a former Google lawyer who worked on its 2018 list of AI principles and now is at the Web3 Foundation. He says policymakers should focus more on near-term risks, such as AI making it cheaper to mount campaigns to disseminate false and misleading information, or concentrating more power in Silicon Valley. “There is the risk of dominance, of Big Tech becoming Big AI,” he says.

A 'drunk jazz band' as interpreted by artificial intelligence if they had been painted by great artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso. Pictures created by Rob Morrison as part of a set of 14 that will be revealed and sold at the South Coast Jazz Festival in Goolwa, South Australia next month.<a href="" title=""></a>
A 'drunk jazz band' as interpreted by artificial intelligence if they had been painted by great artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso. Pictures created by Rob Morrison as part of a set of 14 that will be revealed and sold at the South Coast Jazz Festival in Goolwa, South Australia next month.

AI leaders worried about existential risks say their concerns are genuine, not a ploy.

“To say, ‘Oh the governments are hopeless, so the call for regulation is some sort of 4D chess move’ – it’s just not how we think. This is an existential risk,” OpenAI’s Altman said in June.

So-called doomers don’t say that AI will necessarily rise like Skynet in the Terminator movies to destroy humans. Some worry that AI systems trained to seek rewards could end up with hidden power-seeking urges, inadvertently harm humans while carrying out our wishes or simply outcompete humans and take control of our destiny. Research in this community focuses largely on what is called alignment – how to make sure tomorrow’s computer minds have goals intrinsically in synch with ours.

A 'drunk jazz band' as interpreted by artificial intelligence if they had been painted by great artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso. Pictures created by Rob Morrison.
A 'drunk jazz band' as interpreted by artificial intelligence if they had been painted by great artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso. Pictures created by Rob Morrison.

Specialists in AI ethics and fairness, by contrast, are concerned about how the tools are, accidentally or intentionally, exploiting workers and deepening inequality for millions of people. They want tech companies and regulators to implement training standards and techniques to reduce that threat.

Diversity is a flashpoint. AI ethicists have shown how AI systems trained on historical data can bake past discrimination into future high-stakes decisions such as housing, hiring or criminal sentencing. Research also has shown generative AI systems can produce biased images. Ethicists also argue a lack of diversity among AI researchers can blind them to the impact AI can have on people of colour and women.

The debate can get spirited. “What is your plan to make sure it doesn’t have an existential risk?” Max Tegmark, president of the Future of Life Institute, demanded of Melanie Mitchell, a prominent AI researcher and professor at the Santa Fe Institute, during a public forum on x-risk in June. “You’re not answering my question.”

“I don’t think that there is an existential risk,” Mitchell shot back, saying people were working hard “on mitigating the more immediate, real-world risks” while Tegmark widened his eyes.

Mitchell says in an interview that the discussion over existential risk is “all based on speculation, there’s really no science”.

Tegmark, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology whose non-profit aims to prevent technology from creating extreme, large-scale risks, says he thinks companies have an interest in stoking a divide between people focused on fairness issues and existential risk to avoid regulation. “People on both sides of this are doing themselves a disservice if they don’t agree with the other side,” he said in an interview.

The conflict has caused sparks for years. In 2015, some academics and scientists gathered to discuss AI’s risks on the sidelines of a conference hosted on Google’s campus. One side confronted existential-risk proponents, arguing the focus should be on present-day harms, including bias.

The x-riskers retorted that with humanity’s future in the balance, no one should worry about AI causing a quarter-point difference on a mortgage, recalls Steven Weber, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley who was present. “I almost thought it was going to be a fistfight at an academic meeting,” Weber says.

Those concerned about an apocalypse are far from unified, with some doomers arguing even executives at big companies who say they are worried aren’t doing enough to avoid it.

“We’re seeing a ridiculous death race to godlike AIs from all the major players,” says Connor Leahy, chief executive of Conjecture, an AI company working on solutions to the alignment problem. He says he takes larger tech companies’ professions of concern about existential risk with a grain of salt. “Watch the hands, not the mouth,” Leahy says.

There are efforts to bridge the divide, too. Some ethics researchers say they don’t entirely discount existential risk but just think it should be tackled as part of more well-defined problems that exist today. Some doomers say the path to catastrophe could well come from concerns highlighted by the ethics community, such as industrialised disinformation toppling governments or starting wars.

Both sides are interested in being able to pierce the black box of how AI thinks, called the interpretability problem.

“Some people are really trying to bridge these two spaces,” says Atoosa Kasirzadeh, an assistant professor of AI ethics at University of Edinburgh who previously worked for Google DeepMind. “Hopefully those communities can be convinced they are all concerned about the same sort of things deep down.”


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