New products make peace of mind for parents child’s play
There are numerous products now being built just for children.
We struggle to protect our children from technology until we deem they are old enough. However, there are numerous products now being built just for children.
1. Birde smart media player
This Australian product lets children listen to music and audiobooksand watch videos safely by streaming via the use of a token.
The tokens, known as seeds, are tapped on to the speaker and immediately play the content described. This includes music from known brands like The Wiggles, Play School, Paw Patrol and more.
It’s remarkably simple, to the point that my one-year-old uses it daily. The video component is more suited to older children and brings your existing smart TV into the mix.
When a video-enabled seed is tapped on to the media player, it wirelessly sends the command to the television to play the visual content.
The audiobooks feature lets your child follow on as the Birde reads the book out aloud. We’ve taken the Birde on holidays and enjoyed how it lets our toddler play music that you know is suitable for them, without you needing to do anything.
The speaker volume does not reach dangerous levels yet produces a high-quality sound that gives Big Red Car the stage it deserves. The Birde is battery-powered, charges wirelessly and can be washed under a tap. The partnerships that Birde has made means that you will have an amazing choice of content and the seeds cost less than $30 for a pack. Price: From $199.
2. The Connect by
Smartphones can be dangerous in the hands of children: there is so much unsuitable content and the risk of a child being contacted by predators. G-Mee is a new Australian brand with a smartphone called The Connect, a modified 4G Android phone.
G-Mee has removed the camera and added parental controls. The G-Mee Connect sells for $149, which won’t break the bank and, thanks to the Android operating system, kids actually want to use the device. For calls, messaging and a safe introduction to smartphones, this is a low-risk option.
3. TCL MoveTime
The TCL MoveTime is a smartwatch designed specifically for children. A small touchscreen and camera on the front lets your child stay in touch with you by audio and video. You can contact your children by SMS or a call and you can see where your children are, at any time.
The MoveTime has built-in GPS tracking, so you can check that they have arrived at school on time, or find their current location.
The watch has an IP65 waterproof rating, so you won’t be worried about it getting damaged on a rainy day. It is priced at $199 and available in pink and blue.
Geoff Quattromani is a tech commentator across radio, print, online and television. Check out his podcast “Technology Uncorked” for new information each week.