
Small Business

Nathan Cuneen

Hairdresser gets a super haircut

HAIRDRESSING salon owner Nathan Cuneen is very disappointed that this year’s budget does not have any additional tax handouts for small business.  


Company tax cut `negligible’

TAX experts say the government’s proposed 2 per cent cut to the company tax rate is unlikely to sway small business partnerships to incorporate.

The Nation
Case Study: Business

Case Study: Business

ADELAIDE confectioner Alister Haigh says a proposed 3 per cent rise in compulsory super would wipe out any benefit from a cut in company tax rates.

Get in touch with your customers

Get in touch with your customers

FOR those small businesses hoping for respite from rising interest rates, the latest Reserve Bank minutes didn’t give anyone reason to breathe easy.

ASIC singles out targets

ASIC singles out targets

ASIC has conceded it would like to have done more and acted more quickly in prosecuting misconduct by liquidators and directors.


Mass exodus of staff tipped

BUSINESSES may be feeling optimistic now the worst of the global financial crisis appears to be over, but their workers are not happy.

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