Revealed: China’s full complaint over Australian wine
The Chinese government has added Peronod Ricard to the list of wine makers under attack from its Ministry of Finance and Commerce | FULL LIST
The Chinese government has added Peronod Ricard to the list of wine makers under attack from its Ministry of Finance and Commerce.
China has imposed tariffs on more than $1.2bn of wine exports and told the Morrison government to “reflect upon its own behaviour” in a dramatic escalation of trade tensions.
The list of subsidies named in the complaints against the Australian wine industry are listed in full here to show the extent of the research completed by the Chinese government.
Many of the programs would be disputed by the Australian industry but they also show that while Australian farmers claim to be clean skins in trade battles they are not without their own alleged sins.
The programs below are all state and federal government initiatives to help the wine industry.
Once the investigation is complete the subsidies will be applied to all Australian exports to China.
In its report, the Chinese aganecy MOFCOM said its dumping investigation was conducted throughout 2019 and the injury investigation lasted from January 2015 until December 2019.
Australia accounts for 40 per cent of imported wine into China followed by France at 30 per cent and then Italy.
The four wine makers who are required to provide evidence are TWE makers of Penfolds, Casella, Australian Swan Vintage and Pernod Ricard.
The list includes:
Projects of the Australian federal government:
1. Wine Balance Tax Project
2. Support package for export and regional wine
3. Regional plan
4. Wine tourism and wine cellar ticket funding project
5. Manage farm risk projects
6. National Land Conservation Project
7. Accelerate commercialisation projects
8. Innovative Connection Project
9. Export market development funding projects
10. Research and development tax incentive projects
11. Business Growth Funding Project
12. Sustainable Rural Water and Infrastructure Projects
13. Federal Agricultural Efficient Irrigation Promotion Project
14. Three-year tax deduction project for water supply facilities of primary producers
15. Drought concessional loan program
16. Farm Finance Concession Loan Program
Australian local government projects:
17. Victorian Agricultural Energy Investment Plan
18. Victorian Regional Employment Fund Project
19. Victorian Food Resources Funding Project
20. Victorian regional buyer attraction project
21. Capital Territory Commercial Energy and Water Project
22. TechVouchers Project in New South Wales
23. Tasmania’s advanced manufacturing innovation and growth coupon system
24. Western Australia Innovation Coupon Program
25. South Australia State Export Acceleration Funding Project
26. South Australia Resource Productivity Assessment Project
27. South Australia Regional Food Incentive Program
28. Brand Support Project in Key Regions of South Australia
29. Vineyard and Orchard Expansion Project in Tasmania
30. South Australia River Valley Region Sustainable Development Fund Project
31. Murray River Sustainable Development Plan, South Australia
32. NVIRP 2 Farm Project in Victoria
33. Victorian Farm Productivity Improvement Grant Project
34. Victorian Agricultural Infrastructure and Employment Fund Project
35. New South Wales and Queensland Drought Recovery Preferential Loan Scheme
36. More efficient irrigation support projects in Tasmania
37. Tasmania Agricultural Development Concessional Loan Program
The subsidies alleged by the following applicants will not be investigated:
1. Australian PhD Research Internship Program
2. Agriculture Promotion and Relief Project
3. Interest rate subsidies under special circumstances